Does it matter where your calories come from?



  • katevarner
    katevarner Posts: 884 Member
    Who cares who's eating what unless they specifically request advice?

    Hmm....wondering why anyone would make their diaries public then? Doesn't doing so open you up to suggestions and friendly critique as much as it does for "hurray for you"'s and "atta girl!"'s?

    I think that we leave our diaries open for different reasons. I leave mine open because I think it makes me more accountable. I even find myself explaining my choices when no one has asked about them if I am feeling guilty about them. I think some others leave them open to show how few calories they are eating or how many. I'm sure there are lots of reasons.

    Sorry that she was upset, but unless she is a really close friend, I wouldn't stress over it. Either she will get over it or she will continue to be mad at you and you will have to decide whether the friendship is worth it. I find that I have several "friends" on MFP who are sorry they friended me and others with whom I have daily supportive contact in both directions. We are not all here for the same reasons, so we don't all respond to constructive criticism in the same way.
  • JanaCanada
    JanaCanada Posts: 917 Member
    If your friend specifically asked for your advice than you expressing your opinion is fine, if she didn't than it's not your place to comment.

    Got it. Bite your tongue, even if their diary is public, and even if you think you are being a helpful good friend.

    Whew....never too old to learn! :wink:
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    Who cares who's eating what unless they specifically request advice?

    Hmm....wondering why anyone would make their diaries public then? Doesn't doing so open you up to suggestions and friendly critique as much as it does for "hurray for you"'s and "atta girl!"'s?

    My diary is public just because I don't really care what anyone thinks of what I eat. And often, people ask about my diet since I've been making such good progress. I get comments often, and occasionally I get unsolicited advice. Sometimes I think, "That's good advice," and other times I'm like, "What a sugar hater!" :bigsmile:

    same here. i keep my diary public. i see this as a lifestyle change for me , so i'm more interested in the overall changes that lead to weight loss rather than anything specific.

    the main reason i got fat in the first place was because i made none of my meals at home, so for like the first 38 years of my life i cooked nothing and ate out all the time. so i still consider it good that most of my meals are good and homemade (or at least home assembled :laugh: ) so the occasional days like a few days ago where i had BK for 2 meals isn't that big of a deal.

    i KNOW i can do better, and i KNOW what thay entails, but sometimes it just doesnt happen.

    and OP i was joking about if it were me i'd delete you from my FL :laugh:
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    Sodium has zero calories. Eat a pound of salt.
    Tertiary butylhydroquinone and dimethylpolysiloxane are also calorie-free, and I'm sure they pose no health risks...

    But why not just grill some fresh chicken over heat in your house?
  • TheCaren
    TheCaren Posts: 894 Member
    One of my MFP friends with whom I have shared a mutual supportive MFP friendship got a bit irritated with me today, and I feel bad because I only wanted to be a supportive friend by making a suggestion. If I am wrong, I will fess up and ask for forgiveness, so please let me know what you think....

    Upon reviewing her diary, I noticed way too many meals eaten out at fast food restaurants, and her choices weren't the greatest. Even though she is staying under her daily calorie limit, I said that perhaps her meals could be a bit "cleaner"...that no one is perfect 100% of the time, not even me, but as a friend, I thought'd comment (and I WAS kind about it). She responded, "Someone said once to me that your body doesn't care where the calories come from...doesn't even know." and then accused me of attacking her.

    So....Is she right? Does it matter where your calories come from? I have been operating under the belief that anyone can eat crap all day and still be under their daily limit, but I don't think that's the healthiest way to go about a diet if your goal is a lifestyle change that lasts. To be fair, she does manage to eat pretty low-cal and low-fat about 60% of the time, but although she is losing, it is very slow and she sometimes plateaus or has minor gains. I wrong, or is she being overly sensitive? Gah......I hate being "on the outs" with friends. :embarassed:

    I lost 30 pounds seven years ago on Weight Watchers. Stayed within my "points" every day, but my whole focus was on how to keep eating like crap for fewer calories and fat (okay I didn't think of it that way at the time, but in hindsight I realize that was it). So your friend is technically correct. Lower calories will equal weight loss. However, FOR ME, it wasn't sustainable. Because inevitably I maintained my same old "eating crap" lifestyle and slowly just quit worrying about portions, fat/calorie content, and here I am, got the thirty pounds back plus five more. Go me!

    This time around I'm really trying to make my calories count. My motto is "everything is permissible, but not everything is beneficial", meaning that for me, I can eat whatever I want. But I'm going to really think about the benefits of that item versus the calories it costs me. Now, that being said. If I want the ice cream, I'm gonna eat the ice cream. If I want Taco Bell, I'm eating Taco Bell. I'm trying to limit those types of things somewhat, but when I do eat them, I'm focusing on what's going to best benefit me (lower sugar items because I have reactive hypoglycemia and higher protein to simple carb ratios).

    I've seen many diaries that frankly make me shake my head and think "I've been where you are, and you're probably gonna end up where I am - losing it all and gaining it back". But the nice thing about MFP is we are all doing our own thing. If you ask me why you aren't losing weight and I look in your diary and it's all lo-cal but garbage, I'm probably gonna call you on it. But otherwise, I'm gonna encourage you as best I can and let you do what works for you. Honestly if someone told me I wouldn't maintain that weight lost on Weight Watchers because of how I ate, I would have been mad. And thought they were nuts. I had to get there in my own time, and my own way.
  • JanaCanada
    JanaCanada Posts: 917 Member
    and OP i was joking about if it were me i'd delete you from my FL :laugh:

    :laugh: :laugh: No worries, my friend! I asked for feedback, so I accept whatever comes.
  • belladonna786
    belladonna786 Posts: 1,165 Member
    If you want to lose weight no, if you want to be healthy and lose weight yes.
    And I don't care who disagrees with me
  • Spartan_Maker
    Spartan_Maker Posts: 683 Member
    It's clear that you were just trying to be helpful. However, unless you fully understand the science behind fat loss, you'd do well to be wary about advising someone on his or her food choices.

    I lost 80 of my 109 lbs. during a three month period where my macronutrient percentages were 10% carbohydrates, 25% protein, and 65% fat -- mostly saturated fat. During the last 11 months, my body fat percentage has dropped from 41.7% to 13.2%, while I did little more than a basic powerlifting routine and walking -- hardly even sweating. Never once was I hungry either -- not a single day. All of my health markers improved dramatically too -- my blood pressure is 110/65, down from 145/85. My HDL/LDL cholesterol profile improved even more dramatically. My triglycerides plummeted. What's more, my resting heart rate dropped from 110 to 50.

    If you were my MFP friend, what would you have told me about my fat intake? Based on your post, you probably would have advised me that it wasn't the best way to approach fat loss or improve my health markers; however, that would have been hopelessly wrong because it would have been based on unscientific, mainstream health advice, the same thing that has led to the obesity crisis despite us restricting calories and exercising more than ever.
  • JanaCanada
    JanaCanada Posts: 917 Member
    My motto is "everything is permissible, but not everything is beneficial"

    ^I like this motto! Thank you! :smile:
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    I don't care what anyone says - even for weight loss - it just isn't as simple as calories in vs calories out. Your body responds better to quality eating - meaning feeding your body properly, NOT just staying under some random calorie goal.
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    Nope. I would just make sure to consume enough g (not worried as much about the % as the g) of protein to conserve the muscle you have now.
  • JanaCanada
    JanaCanada Posts: 917 Member
    It's clear that you were just trying to be helpful. However, unless you fully understand the science behind fat loss, you'd do well to be wary about advising someone on his or her food choices.

    I lost 80 of my 109 lbs. during a three month period where my macronutrient percentages were 10% carbohydrates, 25% protein, and 65% fat -- mostly saturated fat. During the last 11 months, my body fat percentage has dropped from 41.7% to 13.2%, while I did little more than a basic powerlifting routine and walking -- hardly even sweating. Never once was I hungry either -- not a single day. All of my health markers improved dramatically too -- my blood pressure is 110/65, down from 145/85. My HDL/LDL cholesterol profile improved even more dramatically. My triglycerides plummeted. What's more, my resting heart rate dropped from 110 to 50.

    If you were my MFP friend, what would you have told me about my fat intake? Based on your post, you probably would have advised me that it wasn't the best way to approach fat loss or improve my health markers; however, that would have been hopelessly wrong because it would have been based on unscientific, mainstream health advice, the same thing that has led to the obesity crisis despite us restricting calories and exercising more than ever.

    Very good points, Spartan_Maker. Thank you.
  • miche_smash
    miche_smash Posts: 131 Member
    I think it definitely does matter. Maybe you'll still lose weight for a while eating crap food but from my experience your body will FEEL better eating healthier. If I eat 2 pieces of pizza I feel gross as opposed to if I eat the same amount of calories from a balanced plate.
    I think when you leave your diary viewable to anyone you leave yourself open to comments. Why else would you leave your diary viewable? People just want to be patted on the back and everyone to say GOOD JOB but no one wants to hear anything remotely negative- even just helpful advice from a FRIEND.
  • JanaCanada
    JanaCanada Posts: 917 Member
    I don't care what anyone says - even for weight loss - it just isn't as simple as calories in vs calories out. Your body responds better to quality eating - meaning feeding your body properly, NOT just staying under some random calorie goal.

    I agree.

    So I guess the point is:
    For weight loss, eat whatever you like - as long as you are under your daily calorie limits, you will lose
    For better health and a lifestyle change that lasts, eat cleaner/better.

    Got it. Thank you all so much!!
  • BlueLadyBug22
    BlueLadyBug22 Posts: 156 Member
    I don't eat perfect, I care about my health but I also enjoy breads and sweets or anything else I like in moderation. My diet is not always healthy, I do need to work on my sodium but otherwise I'm happy with my weight loss. The difference for me between a lifestyle change and a diet is if I went on a "diet" and cut out everything I loved I wouldn't be able to stick to it, instead I try and chose healthier options most of the time but if I feel like eating crappy, I do. I really do feel the difference and intend to chose more veggies and fruits over chips, etc. but at my own pace. I do think if the diary is open then it is up for criticism.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I don't care what anyone says - even for weight loss - it just isn't as simple as calories in vs calories out. Your body responds better to quality eating - meaning feeding your body properly, NOT just staying under some random calorie goal.

    Your calorie goal ought not be random at all. It should be a slight energy deficit from the calories needed to maintain your weight. Also, the more calories you eat, the more nutrients you can have while still enjoying a treat. (Just a different way to look at it)
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I think it definitely does matter. Maybe you'll still lose weight for a while eating crap food but from my experience your body will FEEL better eating healthier. If I eat 2 pieces of pizza I feel gross as opposed to if I eat the same amount of calories from a balanced plate.
    I think when you leave your diary viewable to anyone you leave yourself open to comments. Why else would you leave your diary viewable? People just want to be patted on the back and everyone to say GOOD JOB but no one wants to hear anything remotely negative- even just helpful advice from a FRIEND.

    When I eat two slices of pizza, I'm proud of myself for not eating four slices. (or eight) :laugh:

    For your second point, I have to answer: to prove the sugar-haters wrong! :laugh:
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I don't care what anyone says - even for weight loss - it just isn't as simple as calories in vs calories out. Your body responds better to quality eating - meaning feeding your body properly, NOT just staying under some random calorie goal.

    you may not care but you're still wrong
  • _binary_jester_
    _binary_jester_ Posts: 2,132 Member
    I don't care what anyone says - even for weight loss - it just isn't as simple as calories in vs calories out. Your body responds better to quality eating - meaning feeding your body properly, NOT just staying under some random calorie goal.
    Well why don't you read this...
  • coolraul07
    coolraul07 Posts: 1,606 Member
    My motto is "everything is permissible, but not everything is beneficial"

    ^I like this motto! Thank you! :smile:

    Too late! I saw it first! :tongue: <plagerized>