Does it matter where your calories come from?



  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    Calories = weight loss/gain
    Macros = body composition (protein), energy (carbs), fat (healthy body functions)
    Micros = health

    I like this breakdown
  • Amberonamission
    Amberonamission Posts: 836 Member
    I eat Dark Chocolate almost daily. I don't care who thinks it is good for me or not. Enjoy life. This is a whole life long thing. Somedays will be better than others.
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    I've offered a few comments. That's what I thought friends were for.

    Well shut my mouth (or fingers)!
  • Graceious1
    Graceious1 Posts: 716 Member
    Who cares who's eating what unless they specifically request advice?

    Hmm....wondering why anyone would make their diaries public then? Doesn't doing so open you up to suggestions and friendly critique as much as it does for "hurray for you"'s and "atta girl!"'s?

    I would say that if she specifically asked for comments on her diary then they should be given. I commented on someone's diary without being invited to once and I tell you something, I wouldn't do it again unless they asked me to. I realised that I had upset someone who was quite vulnerable. When we write we don't know how it could be interpreted by another person who reads it. What may be kind words coming from you might feel like harsh words to her even though it may not have been your intention, especially if you don't know them personally. If it really bothers you why not send her a personal message and clear the air if it isn't clear already.

    All the best.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    In my opinion, a calorie is NOT a calorie.

    A twinkie containing 200 calories, does not have the same macronutrient breakdown as a peice of chicken that is 200 Calories.

    You are far better sticking to CLEAN foods that have more nutrient dense macronutrients.
    Whole grains. Clean meats. Vegetables & Fruits and certain fats. Simple. Sure, if you want to eat that twinkie and it fits into your macro's then why not..

    You cannot just eat your daily caloric intake of twinkie's and expect to hit the proper macros for your BMR.

    to summarize what you just said, a MICRONUTRIENT is not a MICRONUTRIENT. but that is not what we're talking about. A calorie is still a calorie.

    And what does eating CLEAN even mean? A blood vessel pops in my head every time that statement is uttered
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    I would never comment on any friend's diary unless specifically asked. I think it's rude.

    But posting that ^ here isn't?

    nope. you specifically asked for opinions. my opinion was that you were extremely rude and whether you or she was right on the actual question was irrelevant.
  • MemphisKitten
    MemphisKitten Posts: 878 Member
    She isn't correct, but I have found it's better not to say anything to anyone about what they are eating unless they ask for your help or advice.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    In my opinion, a calorie is NOT a calorie.

    A twinkie containing 200 calories, does not have the same macronutrient breakdown as a peice of chicken that is 200 Calories.

    You are far better sticking to CLEAN foods that have more nutrient dense macronutrients.
    Whole grains. Clean meats. Vegetables & Fruits and certain fats. Simple. Sure, if you want to eat that twinkie and it fits into your macro's then why not..

    You cannot just eat your daily caloric intake of twinkie's and expect to hit the proper macros for your BMR.

    to summarize what you just said, a MICRONUTRIENT is not a MICRONUTRIENT. but that is not what we're talking about. A calorie is still a calorie.

    And what does eating CLEAN even mean? A blood vessel pops in my head every time that statement is uttered

  • InPieces3
    Here is my thing.

    I'm here to change my life. It takes time. It takes DEDICATION. It takes balls of steel too because there are people that criticize no matter what you do. I used to eat fast food every day!!!! I used to drink nothing but sugar free drinks that contained aspartame. I used to NEVER walk/jog.

    I now walk/jog at least 4 times a week (sometimes 11 miles!) and I have cut out fast food... FOR THE MOST PART. Yes, I have an occasional break down and go to Mcdonalds, or Taco Hell.... but ya know something? I have the calories for it. I have the sodium for it, I have the sugar and fats for it. I'm always under all of that when I have it now. ((couldn't say that before ya know?))

    So I get HIGHLY irritated when someone says something about my food diary when I went to mcdonalds that day. I don't have it every day and holy crap I was under!!!! I have actually lost friends because I won't LISTEN to their advice.. but ya know something? I don't care... I'm here to change ME... not worry about what anyone thinks of me. I appreciate the support, but I'm doing WAY better than I used to. I have made a HUGE change compared to where I was a year ago. Do I need to change a few more things? Of course I do, and of course I'm not perfect, but I will tell you... I never ever comment on someone's diary unless they ask for it. I have mine set to where only my friends can see it... and they all know where I stand on that issue.

    Hey.. we are here for support... and I think you meant well... really I do. But to be honest, unless they asked for your advice or opinion, maybe it wasn't such a good idea. I mean she could hide her diary, but she trusted her friends (you) with it open, so I see where you could have gotten the idea it was okay. We are all in need of some kind of change, but remember where she may have come from, she MAY be doing WAY better than where she was before MFP... ya know?

    :flowerforyou: I hope you two make up... it isn't worth it.
  • JanaCanada
    JanaCanada Posts: 917 Member
    So I get HIGHLY irritated when someone says something about my food diary when I went to mcdonalds that day. I don't have it every day and holy crap I was under!!!!

    Right. Once in a blue moon, no worries. Every day, though? That's cause for concern.

    I think what will work best from now on is for me to either just keep being a cheerleader and only posting "Good for you" and "Atta girl" stuff, or stop caring either way. Lesson learned. Moving on now.....
  • EuripidesII
  • keemakitty
    Work your own program and let your friend work hers. In the end, we need to take responsibility for our own choices be they good or bad.
    Personally, I have not eaten fast food since 2003. I choose to eat at only 100% fresh food cooked to order restaurants where I can specify my order, cooking methods, etc.. I am fussy but it works for me. I tip my wait staff accordingly for their extra attention to my requests!
    In the end, we reap what we sow. Hopefully the end result is the betterment of one's health. Sadly, that is not always the case.
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    I agree with her, yet disagree. If she is looking to lose weight then by all means she can eat fast food until the cows come home if its under her limit. But seriously... she wouldn't eat much and she would be wasting money. Wouldnt you rather eat 1000 calories worth of whole grains, fruit, lean meats and vegetables in abundance or 1000 calories (probably a large fries and a burger) of fast food? Shes probably so irritable towards you as her diet sucks!

    When I was eating fast food practically every meal I felt lousy, grumpy and lazy! I am not saying its bad to eat fast food but in moderation it wont hurt. Her heart doesnt seem in the right place to change her lifestyle, she is looking for a quick fix and will fail horribly in the end.
  • triggsta
    triggsta Posts: 140
    Hell yeah it matters. It's not just calories in/calories out. You've got the three biggies of carbs, proteins, and fats. Can't be too low in any given category, but maybe carbs are too high (an EASY category to go way high in, especially with the 55/25/20ish diet that people seem to love for whatever reason). Too low in fat, and you're depleting your body of the fat your muscles and other cells need (go figure, you need fat to burn fat).

    Now that's not to say that you can't lose weight eating fast food. Watch the documentary Fat Head for a lovely glimpse into how to do so. He limited his carbs, upped his saturated fats, and restricted his calories to 1800. He lost I believe 9-12 lbs in 28 days of this "diet". But would he recommend it? Nope. It made him feel like crap. Fast food is not a pick-me-up.

    You're only going to get out of your workouts and your job and your life what you put in. Feeding it nasty crap may be temporarily satisfactory, but an hour later you're going to be feeling lazy and with low energy and not going to be able to get through your day. I personally have found that I can eat 1200 calories eating anything and still lose weight, but I lose MORE and have better workouts and feel happier when I eat clean foods versus unhealthy foods.

    Unfortunately, though, this will only be accepted by those who are willing to accept the argument. Too few people are able to open their minds and critically think about the knowledge they have accepted as truth. Even everything I've posted here is fair game for someone to come up to me and give me a good reason not to believe it. But if people aren't willing to listen, there's really nothing you can do about it. It's their loss though, not yours.
  • SunnyAndrsn
    SunnyAndrsn Posts: 369 Member
    I said this many times and I will say it again.

    To all the people who say, "it matters for health." Being over weight is the one of the greatest health risks, can lead to heart disease, diabetics, and many other health related issues. With that said, it's healthier to eat junk food and be at a healthy weight than it is to be over weight and eat "health food."

    I disagree--you can be skinny and still have poor stamina and clogged arteries because of food choices. While I see your point, I think improving the quality of the food you eat is important. Says the girl eating peanut M&Ms and drinking a glass of wine for her late night snack.

    When I started this journey, I really just cut out fast food and watched my portions. Over time, I started to improve the quality. Sometimes I back slide, and I usually feel worse for it. Working out is harder when I eat crap.
  • triggsta
    triggsta Posts: 140
    I said this many times and I will say it again.

    To all the people who say, "it matters for health." Being over weight is the one of the greatest health risks, can lead to heart disease, diabetics, and many other health related issues. With that said, it's healthier to eat junk food and be at a healthy weight than it is to be over weight and eat "health food."

    I would have to disagree entirely with you. Just because a number on a scale says that you are in the normal range doesn't mean that you are healthy. Skinny people can get Type II diabetes just as overweight people can. And why do they? Because they think that since they are at the appropriate weight and that, on the outside, their body looks fine, they are free to fill it with whatever junk they want. And then later down the road they get diabetes or health complications because inside, their body is struggling. An overweight individual who has been eating healthy for some months is going to be a lot healthier than a skinny person who eats junk food. Just months after starting to lose weight, my blood pressure and all my tests would come back with my doctors giving me almost astonished looks. They were great, and sometimes they would even comment they were better than their normal-weight patients. Your physical appearance on the outside is absolutely no full indicator of the health you have as a whole.
  • jeleclekat
    jeleclekat Posts: 124 Member
    So I get HIGHLY irritated when someone says something about my food diary when I went to mcdonalds that day. I don't have it every day and holy crap I was under!!!!

    Right. Once in a blue moon, no worries. Every day, though? That's cause for concern.

    I think what will work best from now on is for me to either just keep being a cheerleader and only posting "Good for you" and "Atta girl" stuff, or stop caring either way. Lesson learned. Moving on now.....

    Jana if you're going to worry and fret so much about my food diary - please get it right - I DO NOT EAT FAST FOOD EVERY DAY AND YOU DARN WELL KNOW IT. It is more like twice a week.To everyone else take a look, diary is open, nothing to hide or be ashamed of. You will also see that those meals were eaten within the targets, and that I did eat better meals during the week. Let's get the full story, not one sided. (I do believe someone said they had three candy bars in 7 weeks, go back and count them, I saw more, plus chips and pizzas, even tho veggie) You are the pot calling the kettle black. I wasn't going to post a reply, but I won't be lied about. I won't feel deprived of food I love when I can work it into my plan, and eat healthier on other days.

    I hope you found the answers you were seeking.There won'r be further need for me to follow the thread now. Was just waiting to see how long it took.
  • leejayem
    leejayem Posts: 120 Member
    My personal opinion is that, as a mature adult, the ideal way to resolve this conflict is to do it between yourself & this other person. Putting this post up for all to see says to me that you are less interested in resolving the issues & more interested in having people tell you she's wrong & you're right. Not real nice.
  • TinGirl314
    TinGirl314 Posts: 430 Member
    I think people should do what's right for them and not get offended by the fact that someone else's opinion is different than theirs.:glasses:
  • lizblizz2012
    lizblizz2012 Posts: 196 Member
    My personal opinion is that, as a mature adult, the ideal way to resolve this conflict is to do it between yourself & this other person. Putting this post up for all to see says to me that you are less interested in resolving the issues & more interested in having people tell you she's wrong & you're right. Not real nice.

    Basically this.