kristieprn Member


  • Great idea!
  • Happy Thanksgiving! I'm not going to be strict but will log just to keep up the habit. I may do the video later anyway, or at least a walk!
  • I walked down to the warehouse at work to retrieve something rather than call for delivery. And I walked a friend's prescription to the employee pharmacy so it would be ready on discharge. I also had to run to he parking lot for an emergency call and ran up the stairs 3 times. Yeah, I work at a hospital lol.
  • I need to push to do it today. Worked yesterday until 5p, had to head back at 2a, ran home 530a to let hubs get to work. Got the kids up and to daycare and back at work at 8. I meant to leave early but ended up working until 2p. Ok, it's only 27 minutes right? Just keep swimming, just keep swimming.... :)
  • I thought so too at first but the pics are to blame. One was taken by someone else and another she took of herself in the mirror.
  • Oops I measured under the boobs and not over! I guess I'll have to redo mine! Adding lots of inches there!
  • My day went to he11 and I was contemplating not doing it tonight but now that I have y'all I will.. After hubs gets home because the kids want to "help" aka crawl through my legs when I'm in any squat stance!!!
    in Dang Comment by kristieprn November 2012
  • Done! It's hard to remember when I'm busy so it was a great challenge!
  • I can't wait until I'm there! Thanks for sharing everyone!!!
  • Same video for 10 days and no, it's not that bad. Just keep it in your head that each part is only 30 seconds and that helps you push through. Start day 1 and 2 with light 1-3 lb weights to gauge. It should be heavy enough to get your muscles burning but not so heavy you can't complete the set. When it gets fairly easy to…
  • Not sure why it blanked out the store name, d i c k ' s. lol, really now! Oh, for anyone in stage 1 who has wrist issues or no mat and a hard floor do wall push ups as your modification.
  • I agree on the sports bra and after years of searching I found one that I actually love (I'm a 36 DD) - it has inner cups with underwires and then an overlay part with more support which also conveniently makes a kind of pocket for an iPod or the like.... It's by moving comfort. I found them at…
  • I stated last night but will post my start stats as of today. I was up a little this am but I am used to the little fluctuations the body makes when working out, I actually had enviable arms once upon a time! SW 11/12/12 - 175.8 CW 11/18/12 - 174.4 GW - 140 but would be content with anything under 145 (5' 3") Chest 35…
  • Hey everyone. My name is Kristie. I'm a 37 year old mom of 2 (5 and 2.5) in South Carolina. I work full time and want to do this. I started yesterday, the workout was quick enough - for anyone who hasn't done it it is free on YouTube and I logged it as circuit training. She switches things up fast enough that time flies.…
  • Oh, so add me please!!! I'm new to MFP, not sure how groups work. Will I see something like "my groups" on my profile or do I just look for this thread each day? There's a small group running the stairs at work - we just started last week - so between both I hope to accelerate my weight loss!
  • I did my first day today with my 5 year old acting as my trainer, 2 year old jumping around, and hubby laying on the couch. It was a good workout. Each circuit switches so fast that time flies!
  • We had to get a specific uniform color at work and within a few months I had to go out and buy bigger ones! WTH! And I had once upon a time sustained very healthy habits so here I go again.
  • I'm in! Just started with a friend on Monday but down a lb! It's helpful to see everyone's weight loss patterns for inspiration!