87indiegirl Member


  • Thank you for sharing those links! I heard an interview with Moss on NPR early this week- definitely buying his book now :)
  • 1/2 a pineapple 2-3 cups greens (spinach, chard, or kale) 1 banana 1 naval orange 1-2 tbps fresh grated ginger (goes great with pineapple and cut the bitterness if I use kale/chard) 1 cup water 1-2 cups ice **I also add coconut oil (1-2 tbps) and or ground flax/chia seeds if I have the calories to spare/need more omegas…
  • According to the Flax Council of Canada (who knew?!?!) you can store them for quite awhile: "How should I store flax seed and for how long will it keep? Whole flax seed Whole flax seed comes with Nature’s own finest packaging – its natural hard hull keeps it fresh. You can store clean, dry, good quality whole flax seed at…
  • FYI: The Whole Foods' 365 brand almond milk is free of carrageenan.
  • I make mine with Almond Breeze Original Unsweetened almond milk- only 40 cal per cup, 1 tbs of trader joe's cocoa powder and 1 packet of stevia. Delicious and low cal!
  • Green smoothies are a great way to "sneak" veggies into your diet. There are a ton of recipes on this site: http://www.incrediblesmoothies.com/green-smoothie-recipes/ The more your taste buds adjust the more veggies you can add. Most of these recipes are so fruit heavy, that's all you taste.
  • This morning's banana-free smoothie: 1/2 pineapple 1 orange 2-3 cups kale 3tsp. maca powder 2 tbsp. ground chia seeds 1/5 package of nasoya silken tofu 1 cup. so delicious almond milk + protein 1 hunk of fresh ginger 16 ice cubes Makes a delicious, smoothie and beautifully green smoothie. This recipe makes 3 servings (I…
  • Be careful when using coconut oil as a moisturizer- its great for your skin, but you probably don't want to use it on your face as it is comedogenic (will clog your pores). I use it everywhere except my face, however, and have had no problems.
  • I mix mine into a hot multi-grain cereal (lower calorie than oatmeal) with a sliced banana, almond milk and sometimes some ground chia seeds or flax seeds for a super healthy meal :)
    in PB2 Comment by 87indiegirl December 2012
  • I've been vegan for over 4 years- never going back. There's too much tasty food to ever miss animal products and my skin, sleep and energy are better than ever before. Feel free to add me :)
  • Green Smoothie: 2 peeled kiwi 1 banana 2tbs fresh aloe gel 2tbs chia seeds 1/2 avocado 1 c. coconut water small hunk peeled ginger 1.5 c swiss chard I split this with my husband and it was DELICIOUS! Super creamy and not too sweet. So good.