Where to store freshly ground Linseeds / Flaxseeds

Where to store freshly ground Linseeds / Flaxseeds, I have just ground them up in a coffee grinder. Where and how do I store them ???


  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    Sealed in a ziplock, with all the air squuezed out and then put that in an opaque container in the fridge. But only for, like, a day or two, in my opinion. Or in the freezer, for a couple weeks.
  • 87indiegirl
    87indiegirl Posts: 12 Member
    According to the Flax Council of Canada (who knew?!?!) you can store them for quite awhile:

    "How should I store flax seed and for how long will it keep?

    Whole flax seed
    Whole flax seed comes with Nature’s own finest packaging – its natural hard hull keeps it fresh. You can store clean, dry, good quality whole flax seed at room temperature for up to a year. Some people keep a jar of flax seed handy on their kitchen counter.

    Ground flax seed

    All vegetable oil products require some care in handling and storing. Once you grind flax seed, there is greater risk of it developing an off-flavour and taste. That’s why it’s best to grind whole flax seed as you need it. This ensures its freshness. After grinding, you should refrigerate it in an airtight, opaque container. Ground flax seed handled this way will keep for up to 90 days."


    Personally, I store mine in a container in my freezer and they keep forever and taste great. I probably go through a pound of ground seeds every 2 months, if not more. I put them in everything :)