drjayfataway Member


  • Very well said! I am in the "metabolism repair" business http://www.metabacheck.com and I get SOOOO many patients that have destroyed their metabolism with the HCG diet, gained the weight back, and are now even struggling with losing weight the right way because now their metabolism is no longer their ally but instead…
  • Some good points....that is assuming however that the weight is not gained (which is almost always the case with shortcut "diets".
  • F. Y. I. I am a doctor too and would disagree with your doctor's opinion that all you have to lose is 43 days, otherwise if you gain the weight back you will just be back where you started. In actuality you will be much worse off than where you originally started for several reasons: 1) Due to the muscle tissue you will…
  • It's definitely not all muscle although I am sure you have experienced some changes in the muscles in your legs from the walking (especially if you did not walk much before). Keep in mind that the body's physiology is not as simple as most would like to think and when one changes their diet and exercise habits (especially…