HCG diet?



  • drjayfataway
    drjayfataway Posts: 4 Member
    she said there is really nothing to lose, she didnt see any long term side effects involved and said the worst that could happen is i will gain the weight back, and then ill be in the same boat i am now minus the 43 days.

    F. Y. I. I am a doctor too and would disagree with your doctor's opinion that all you have to lose is 43 days, otherwise if you gain the weight back you will just be back where you started. In actuality you will be much worse off than where you originally started for several reasons:

    1) Due to the muscle tissue you will have lost on the ultra low calorie regime, you will now have a slower metabolism than when you started. Although HCG proponents claim that the HCG prevents muscle loss (and hunger), there are no legitimate peer reviewed studies to support this claim. In fact, the legitimate studies that have been done actually refute both these claims!

    2) You will look worse and your clothes will fit worse than when you started due to your higher body fat %. If you are lucky, you will simply return to your original weight (higher total bf% though since you are now the same weight with LESS muscle), but odds are most will probably gain their original weight back PLUS MORE!

    3) Back at your original weight, but now with a slower metabolism, losing weight will be EVEN HARDER for you than it is now!

    Here are a few studies you may want to check out:

    Here are links to a brief seminar I did on HCG for my program members:

    Part 1 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dsoa-tf6gpg
    Part 2 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vBR4VtiAGwo
    Part 3 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x4ylQZLyACo
    Part 4 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dWUUqhIBC1E

    Hopes this information helps those out there considering HCG make an informed decision. Good luck!
  • Ultima_Morpha
    Ultima_Morpha Posts: 895 Member
    I am on my second round using intranasal spray prescribed by a doctor in my family practice. I know a lot of people have had success on the homeopathic drops, but if your doctor is supporting it, you should ask him to write you a prescription for a compounding pharmacy. You'll be able to know without a doubt that you are actually getting HCG.

    The dosing concentration I use is 62.5 U/0.1 ml (wording straight off the bottle).

    I lost right around 30 pounds during my first round (and 4 inches off my waist and 23 points off my cholesterol) and maintained without any problem during the 6 week break/maintenance. I used that time to exercise and eat a healthy, well-round, normal caloric intake diet. My clothes DO fit better and I look better than I have in years. My body fat percentage is NOT higher...quite the opposite.

    Just like any weight loss strategy, it means makes a lifestyle change. One of the reasons I was attracted to this protocol was that you are eating REAL food and relearning/learning about portion control. It does take work, planning, and discipline!

    My diary is open. I started my first round 5/2/11 and my second 7/26/11. During my first round of maintenance, I recorded the first 10 days or so to ensure I was getting up to my calories, but then went on vacation...I watched what I ate, but I ate what I wanted. I had no major fluctuations and maintained my last dose weight (LDW) without any problem. Even with loading, I started this round BELOW my LDW from the first round. The program I follow doesn't advocate gorging during loading...rather 3 days of normal eating but enjoying the things that you will miss during the 20/37 days of VLCD.

    There are more risks associated with lose weight rapidly than there are with the HCG itself. Gallstones, arrythymia, rhabdomyolosis, etc. It is important to discuss this with your doctor and whether or not you have pre-existing risk for any of these.

    HCG itself IS FDA approved...just not for weight-loss. Many, many drugs are prescribed for off-label use everyday. Drug companies are not able to patent a naturally-occurring hormone (yes, it is distilled from a pregnant woman's urine) though it can be synthesized. Not that I am a conspiracy theorist, but I do believe drug companies make much more money off us staying obese than us staying/getting healthy.

    Good luck on the decision you make. If you decide to give it a try, there is a huge thread of HCG support. Just use the search function...you'll find it easily.

    I appreciate everyone's feedback. My doctor is actually the one that recommended it because I brought up that I was thinking of trying the lapband and he told me that hcg would be a much less invasive way of helping me lose weight, so he recommended that I try it first. I understand that it's controversial, but I have tried to lose weight the old fashioned way for years without many results and I am at my breaking point. Also, there is no need to be rude to the people who said they are on this diet, i thought that was uncalled for.

    Anyway, thanks everyone, most of the comments helped a lot.
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    If your doctor recommended it, I would change doctors. Seriously. Change doctors. It is SUCH a scam, and so unhealthy. People who are on it will fight this to the deaths because they are seeing changes without a lot of work, and feel GREAT! And look GREAT! Until they stop doing it. Every. Single. Person. I now that did this diet gained the weight right back. It is so hard on your body and your metabolism. Please don't do this, and take the time to do it right. It will be slower, but you will be able to maintain it for the rest of your life. You can do this!!
  • klabeau
    klabeau Posts: 261 Member
    I've lost 52lbs on it. I've been eating regular food for three weeks now at 1500 to 1800 cals. I workout with a trainer several times a week and workout on my own as well. As with any diet, if you don't change your eating habits and lifestyle you will gain the weight back. All I can say is that after two weeks on the diet my regular doctor took my off blood pressure meds. It was fine. I had been on those meds for 11yrs!!
  • Becca_007
    Becca_007 Posts: 596 Member
  • AimGal
    AimGal Posts: 7 Member
    Regardless of whether it works or not, you're essentially drinking (injecting, snorting, whatever) a pregnant woman's urine. Somehow that just grosses me out. You shouldn't have to drink pee to lose weight.
  • Becca_007
    Becca_007 Posts: 596 Member
  • bobbybdoe
    bobbybdoe Posts: 472 Member
    500-800 calories a day and no exercise. LOL.

  • Ultima_Morpha
    Ultima_Morpha Posts: 895 Member
    No, you're not ingesting urine. You are using something distilled/separated from pregnant women's urine...one of MANY substances that exist in urine. There are hundreds (likely thousands) of drugs, food/food additives, cosmetic products, etc derived from sources that can be perceived as disgusting. Ever eaten Jell-O? Used lipstick?
    Regardless of whether it works or not, you're essentially drinking (injecting, snorting, whatever) a pregnant woman's urine. Somehow that just grosses me out. You shouldn't have to drink pee to lose weight.
  • SMarie10
    SMarie10 Posts: 956 Member
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    It's contraversial. There is a whole long list of potential issues associated with it. Why take the risk? You can safely lose the same weight by simply eating at a reasonable deficit and exercising, which teaches you better eating habits and is good for your circulation, etc. To do something (potentially) dangerous just because it's quick and easy just isn't wise, particularly when there are safe alternatives.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    I don't judge people who do this diet. I have a friend who did two rounds and lost the weight she wanted, and out of the 30+ lbs she lost, she only gained back 5lbs - and she finished the last round in early spring. I don't think that doing this for a little while is any less healthy than being overweight over an extended period.
  • I have tried the homeopathic drops. They work great and you do NOT gain all your weight back if you stick to the plan. Other people that have tried it with no success probably didn't stick to the plan. It is a very strict diet. You do NOT go into starvation mode with these drops and it really does reduce your appetite. I couldn't believe how great I felt after the first few days of losing a few pounds. If you think you can stick to it then by all means go for it. Good luck with your desicion :) Hugs!
  • klabeau
    klabeau Posts: 261 Member
    I have tried the homeopathic drops. They work great and you do NOT gain all your weight back if you stick to the plan. Other people that have tried it with no success probably didn't stick to the plan. It is a very strict diet. You do NOT go into starvation mode with these drops and it really does reduce your appetite. I couldn't believe how great I felt after the first few days of losing a few pounds. If you think you can stick to it then by all means go for it. Good luck with your desicion :) Hugs!

    Well said
  • klabeau
    klabeau Posts: 261 Member
    What about the fact that most shampoos have placinta in them. And shampoo is asborbed through your scalp. Wow!! Many of our products consumed daily have human products in them.
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    No peer reviewed medical study has proven the efficacy of HCG. It is not approved as a diet aid.

    ETA: "Pounds and Inches" is marketing literature - not science!!

    "... but my doctor prescribed it!"

    You know what else doctors used to prescribe for weight loss? AMPHETAMINES. Those have been proven time and again to be effective for weight loss.

    So - who wants to go on the Jenny Crank diet? At least you won't be miserable on your 500 calories - in fact you won't even want them! The extra bonus is that it is just chemically goodness - no pregnant woman urine involved.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I've heard of it and for me personally? I'm NOT injecting myself with something that makes my body THINK it is pregnant when it is not. I just don't see how long term use of this could be good for you and your body. Add in the fact that you're only consuming 500 calories a day? And I see a recipe for screwed up metabolism. I guess, like any "diet", I don't think it is the right way to go about losing weight. It doesn't teach you how to eat correctly which is really the key to losing weight.
  • charityateet
    charityateet Posts: 574 Member
    OP, get on the forums - look at the success stories, find someone that has lost 50-100 lbs.....friend them.

    There is no miracle lotion, potion, pill, injection - it takes hard work and dedication - do work, get results. PERIOD.
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    My coworker's neighbor's kid's school principal's landscaper lost 70 lbs by snorting the powder made from ground unicorn horns.
  • You take HCG via pill or injection (it elevates your hormones). It mimicks the fist trimester of pregnancy and dumps some crazy amount of calories daily ( 2500+) while you feel no appetite and even nauseated like morning sickenss; which is why you only consume 500. You are not suppose to exercise from what I have heard and take it kinda easy. Most people do it for 20 - 30 days, then they start a diet that they can adjust and stick to, like what we are doing here at MFP. This is what my friend told me, she just completed it thru her doctor.

    it mimics first trimester? ughhh y would you want that?????????????? im in my first trimester n boy do i feeel like CRAPPPPPP lol... i wouldnt do the hcg personally as a diet...
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