HCG diet?



  • k8edge
    k8edge Posts: 380
    I posted this yesterday... Update to my post... The hormone is made of pregnant lady pee... Have fun ingesting pee.

    With that being said it is my OPINION that the HCG diet is by far one of the worst ideas that for some reason many American's have grasped onto. It is interesting how so many people jump head first into what they believe is the easiest way to loosing weight without thinking about the consequences. Dr. Oz (not one of my favorite people... but eh) actually has research to prove that this "diet" if you can call it a diet is extremely dangerous. Then again -- Eating 500 calories a day is dangerous. It doesn't take a doctor to figure that out.

    Here are a few highlights...

    1) You don’t keep the weight off. Decades of research have demonstrated that if you diet by eating only 500 calories a day, you regain a lot of weight after the diet ends.

    2) Common sense tells us that starving is not very good for our bodies. In fact, scientists have proven this as well. If you only eat 500 calories a day, there are serious health risks.

    3) The hormone HCG has never been approved to be in any product sold directly to consumers. The leader of the FDA’s Internet and Fraud Team has said all such products are illegal. (So those of you that are buying it of the internet are either not buying the real thing or are doing something illegal)

    Furthermore... "The HCG diet pills contain small doses of HCG to help your body tap into stored fat and burn it off. They also suppress your appetite so you can consume as little as 500 calories a day. Initially, this diet may help you rapidly drop pounds. Ultimately, it destroys your metabolism, as you are essentially starving yourself. Another negative side effect is the loss of muscle mass, so much that you will no longer be able to effectively burn calories." (Diets Dr. Oz Would Never Try)

    Also... "he hormone is known to cause headaches, blood clots, leg cramps, temporary hair thinning, constipation, and breast tenderness. The FDA has received at least one recent report of an HCG dieter developing a pulmonary embolism, a potentially fatal blood clot in the lung, says agency spokesperson Shelly Burgess. Yet, the hormone's full risk profile is unknown." (US HEALTH) Sounds like a wonder drug?? I don't think so...

    I used this information to back up my post.

    Angry comments commence! I am in a bit of a combative and sassy mood today... However, I probably won't post about this again. I have deleted many friends who were eating 500 calories a day... Doing the HCG diet and seeing results! Wow... sounds too good to be true! That is because it is too good to be true. Read the facts people... Stop starving yourselves. If you want to starve yourself, MFP isn't really the place for it because that is not what this is about. Nothing is easy... Especially loosing weight.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,916 Member
    So how do people on the Biggest Loser and Extreme Makeover, who happen to be some of the most obese people witnessed losing weight, do it? Not taking HCG or any other drug, but from good old diet and exercise. Granted they may have a trainer, but where they have that advantage, normal everyday people don't have the pressure or stress from being eliminated nor having your weight loss watched by thousands of people.
    I don't buy it and neither does the scientific community who have published the peer viewed studies. The site here is "MYFITNESSPAL" and I don't see this as being a "fitness" way of losing weight. I have yet to see that exercise (strength and cardio) are part of this program. It really can't because if you are on a 500 calorie diet and even burn just 200 calories through exercise, along with regular BMR, the calorie deficit is going to beyond 1500 and up.
    The consensus is that someone who suffers from anorexia or bulimia and eats 500 calories a day need help. What's the difference here? Why would this be more legitmately safe?
  • unmitigatedbadassery
    unmitigatedbadassery Posts: 653 Member
    Just think about it: IF HCG was legitimate and proven to actually work, the greedy pharmaceutical companies would find a way to PATENT it and sell it on the market to make BILLIONS like they do with other overpriced meds.

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,916 Member
    If your child was 7 years old, 47 inches and 42lbs. and had a BMR (basal metabolic rate) of 1025, don't you think that feeding less than half of those calories would mess up their metabolism?
  • Ultima_Morpha
    Ultima_Morpha Posts: 895 Member
    Sure...especially since THAT child is a normal weight.
    If your child was 7 years old, 47 inches and 42lbs. and had a BMR (basal metabolic rate) of 1025, don't you think that feeding less than half of those calories would mess up their metabolism?
  • bobbybdoe
    bobbybdoe Posts: 472 Member
    Sure...especially since THAT child is a normal weight.
    If your child was 7 years old, 47 inches and 42lbs. and had a BMR (basal metabolic rate) of 1025, don't you think that feeding less than half of those calories would mess up their metabolism?

    Actually, no it's not. Normal child weight for that specific 7 year old child would actually be about 50+ lbs.
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    You take HCG via pill or injection (it elevates your hormones). It mimicks the fist trimester of pregnancy and dumps some crazy amount of calories daily ( 2500+) while you feel no appetite and even nauseated like morning sickenss; which is why you only consume 500. You are not suppose to exercise from what I have heard and take it kinda easy. Most people do it for 20 - 30 days, then they start a diet that they can adjust and stick to, like what we are doing here at MFP. This is what my friend told me, she just completed it thru her doctor.

    it mimics first trimester? ughhh y would you want that?????????????? im in my first trimester n boy do i feeel like CRAPPPPPP lol... i wouldnt do the hcg personally as a diet...

    Start bottling your urine and sell it online. You'd make madd money!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,916 Member
    Sure...especially since THAT child is a normal weight.

    Actually that child is underweight for height and age even if female. I think you need to rethink how you view weight. Probably part of the reason you caved into HCG.
  • Russellb97
    Russellb97 Posts: 1,057 Member
    What's funny is how some people act like it's a "new" thing to the diet market. When it's been around for a long time and it comes and goes in spurts. This time it was brought back by the sleaziest of all sleaze balls Kevin Trudeau. The guy was born to rape you of your money.
    HCG just plays on our desperation, it's pretty sad.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,916 Member
    What's funny is how some people act like it's a "new" thing to the diet market. When it's been around for a long time and it comes and goes in spurts. This time it was brought back by the sleaziest of all sleaze balls Kevin Trudeau. The guy was born to rape you of your money.
    HCG just plays on our desperation, it's pretty sad.
    KEVIN TRUDEAU................what an a-hole. Again people with eating disorders (anorexia and bulimia) would be considered people who need mental help because of their approach to eating very low calories. Lol, even people who do HCG would condemn how anorexics eat.....................but it's okay if they do it while on HCG. Go figure.
  • Ultima_Morpha
    Ultima_Morpha Posts: 895 Member
    It would be under "average" weight, not under a normal weight range...even if it is at the lower end. That can still be argued on a multitude of factors and the tables that are used.

    The point is moot...HCG or not, why would you even make the argument about restricting the calories of a child? Especially if your example would be considered underweight?

    We actually agree...the HCG thing is a little crazy. I never would have thought it possible--even after losing 45 pounds I am in disbelief. But I know the risks and they really aren't any greater than the potential side effects of some of my health problems (which originate from using FDA approved drugs) and the pharmaceuticals that would be prescribed to obtain them.

    Sure...especially since THAT child is a normal weight.

    Actually that child is underweight for height and age even if female. I think you need to rethink how you view weight. Probably part of the reason you caved into HCG.
  • drjayfataway
    drjayfataway Posts: 4 Member
    Some good points....that is assuming however that the weight is not gained (which is almost always the case with shortcut "diets".
  • drjayfataway
    drjayfataway Posts: 4 Member
    If your doctor recommended it, I would change doctors. Seriously. Change doctors. It is SUCH a scam, and so unhealthy. People who are on it will fight this to the deaths because they are seeing changes without a lot of work, and feel GREAT! And look GREAT! Until they stop doing it. Every. Single. Person. I now that did this diet gained the weight right back. It is so hard on your body and your metabolism. Please don't do this, and take the time to do it right. It will be slower, but you will be able to maintain it for the rest of your life. You can do this!!

    Very well said! I am in the "metabolism repair" business http://www.metabacheck.com and I get SOOOO many patients that have destroyed their metabolism with the HCG diet, gained the weight back, and are now even struggling with losing weight the right way because now their metabolism is no longer their ally but instead their enemy.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,916 Member
    It would be under "average" weight, not under a normal weight range...even if it is at the lower end. That can still be argued on a multitude of factors and the tables that are used.
    The stats are my daughter's and her pediatrician states she's underweight. She's skinny for sure, but so was I at her age.
    The point is moot...HCG or not, why would you even make the argument about restricting the calories of a child? Especially if your example would be considered underweight?
    Because a child's daily requirement is much, much lower than an adults, yet for some reason the belief of a 500 calorie daily intake seems fine for HCGer's. Point is no one accept a child doing it, but we should accept it as fine for an adult. Sorry don't buy it.
    We actually agree...the HCG thing is a little crazy. I never would have thought it possible--even after losing 45 pounds I am in disbelief. But I know the risks and they really aren't any greater than the potential side effects of some of my health problems (which originate from using FDA approved drugs) and the pharmaceuticals that would be prescribed to obtain them.
    ANYONE can lose weight on 500 calorie intake. It's not the drug it's the intake. <rolls eyes>
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,916 Member
    Very well said! I am in the "metabolism repair" business http://www.metabacheck.com and I get SOOOO many patients that have destroyed their metabolism with the HCG diet, gained the weight back, and are now even struggling with losing weight the right way because now their metabolism is no longer their ally but instead their enemy.
    It's sad that some people will risk their metabolic health so that they can feel accepted and wear "normal" clothes NOW. It would be ironic for them the tell their kids "patience is a virtue".
  • Ultima_Morpha
    Ultima_Morpha Posts: 895 Member
    It wasn't my intent to engage in any sort of debate with you. I don't feel the need to justify myself. I don't know why I took your bait. You can do it your way, I'll do it mine.
    It would be under "average" weight, not under a normal weight range...even if it is at the lower end. That can still be argued on a multitude of factors and the tables that are used.
    The stats are my daughter's and her pediatrician states she's underweight. She's skinny for sure, but so was I at her age.
    The point is moot...HCG or not, why would you even make the argument about restricting the calories of a child? Especially if your example would be considered underweight?
    Because a child's daily requirement is much, much lower than an adults, yet for some reason the belief of a 500 calorie daily intake seems fine for HCGer's. Point is no one accept a child doing it, but we should accept it as fine for an adult. Sorry don't buy it.
    We actually agree...the HCG thing is a little crazy. I never would have thought it possible--even after losing 45 pounds I am in disbelief. But I know the risks and they really aren't any greater than the potential side effects of some of my health problems (which originate from using FDA approved drugs) and the pharmaceuticals that would be prescribed to obtain them.
    ANYONE can lose weight on 500 calorie intake. It's not the drug it's the intake. <rolls eyes>
  • bobbybdoe
    bobbybdoe Posts: 472 Member
    It wasn't my intent to engage in any sort of debate with you. I don't feel the need to justify myself. I don't know why I took your bait. You can do it your way, I'll do it mine.
    It would be under "average" weight, not under a normal weight range...even if it is at the lower end. That can still be argued on a multitude of factors and the tables that are used.
    The stats are my daughter's and her pediatrician states she's underweight. She's skinny for sure, but so was I at her age.
    The point is moot...HCG or not, why would you even make the argument about restricting the calories of a child? Especially if your example would be considered underweight?
    Because a child's daily requirement is much, much lower than an adults, yet for some reason the belief of a 500 calorie daily intake seems fine for HCGer's. Point is no one accept a child doing it, but we should accept it as fine for an adult. Sorry don't buy it.
    We actually agree...the HCG thing is a little crazy. I never would have thought it possible--even after losing 45 pounds I am in disbelief. But I know the risks and they really aren't any greater than the potential side effects of some of my health problems (which originate from using FDA approved drugs) and the pharmaceuticals that would be prescribed to obtain them.
    ANYONE can lose weight on 500 calorie intake. It's not the drug it's the intake. <rolls eyes>

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,916 Member
    It wasn't my intent to engage in any sort of debate with you. I don't feel the need to justify myself. I don't know why I took your bait. You can do it your way, I'll do it mine.
    I don't blame you. Because evidence of a debate would favor the side not to do HCG. You don't need to justify it to me. It's your life and you live it how you want, but if you're going to endorse HCG as a "smart" and "safe" way to lose weight to people here on a FITNESS forum, then I will refute any "evidence" you have to deter people not to fall for this desperation scam.
    There are thousands of people out there who need help and the BEST people in the world at helping people do it, Jillian Michaels, Chris Powell, Bob Harper just off the bat, do it with morbidly obese people without the use of drugs or "natural hormones". It can be done, but there's work effort to be done (haven't seen a show yet where they don't bust their *kitten*) and some just don't have it in them to do it.
  • Ultima_Morpha
    Ultima_Morpha Posts: 895 Member
    Whoa! Where did I ever say it was smart or safe? Or that I endorse that others try it? I share my own experience and let people do the research and decide for themselves. In fact, if you read my posts you'd find that I am the person who educates people about the potential side effects and dangers. You'd also find that I rarely, if ever, make any comment about homeopathic drops. I didn't research them, I'm not using them, and I doubt I ever would.

    I was hardly desperate to lose weight, but the structure and cycling of it works for me and my lifestyle and I NEEDED to lose weight. I didn't get fat by eating McDonald's...I got fat because, in my twenties, I trusted some doctor who told me that the side effects of birth control pills were "normal" and my body would get used to it. Meanwhile, my liver, spleen, and pancreas were slowly being destroyed and I became severealy insulin resistant. Then came MORE drugs to treat that. All of the indiscretions of our youth eventually catches up to us...mine caught me at 35.

    I'll lose the weight--45 pounds as of this morning. I've committed to the change and I will keep it off. I AM more FIT than I was a few months ago...I just got there a different way.

    It wasn't my intent to engage in any sort of debate with you. I don't feel the need to justify myself. I don't know why I took your bait. You can do it your way, I'll do it mine.
    I don't blame you. Because evidence of a debate would favor the side not to do HCG. You don't need to justify it to me. It's your life and you live it how you want, but if you're going to endorse HCG as a "smart" and "safe" way to lose weight to people here on a FITNESS forum, then I will refute any "evidence" you have to deter people not to fall for this desperation scam.
    There are thousands of people out there who need help and the BEST people in the world at helping people do it, Jillian Michaels, Chris Powell, Bob Harper just off the bat, do it with morbidly obese people without the use of drugs or "natural hormones". It can be done, but there's work effort to be done (haven't seen a show yet where they don't bust their *kitten*) and some just don't have it in them to do it.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,916 Member
    Whoa! Where did I ever say it was smart or safe? Or that I endorse that others try it? I share my own experience and let people do the research and decide for themselves. In fact, if you read my posts you'd find that I am the person who educates people about the potential side effects and dangers. You'd also find that I rarely, if ever, make any comment about homeopathic drops. I didn't research them, I'm not using them, and I doubt I ever would.

    I was hardly desperate to lose weight, but the structure and cycling of it works for me and my lifestyle and I NEEDED to lose weight. I didn't get fat by eating McDonald's...I got fat because, in my twenties, I trusted some doctor who told me that the side effects of birth control pills were "normal" and my body would get used to it. Meanwhile, my liver, spleen, and pancreas were slowly being destroyed and I became severealy insulin resistant. Then came MORE drugs to treat that. All of the indiscretions of our youth eventually catches up to us...mine caught me at 35.

    I'll lose the weight--45 pounds as of this morning. I've committed to the change and I will keep it off. I AM more FIT than I was a few months ago...I just got there a different way.
    I will congratulate you on your loss because after disclosing what you've gone through, it's encouraging to see that it at least has helped you.
    But many of the members here trying this "protocol" probably are not in the same situation. So many females here in their 20's doing it for 10-30lbs loss. Incredible. They choose not "try" the hard path, but go with the "easy" because of some of the results they hear.
    Like diet pills, detoxing, liquid diets, and other fads I will always refute HCG because science and clinical peer viewed studies haven't shown it to have any effect on weight loss (maybe placebo) and the side effects that could go with them.
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