greenmeena Member


  • Also- research showing meat making people sick is skewed. All the meat researched is from factory farmed animals who are fed large amounts of corn (etc) and not eating a natural diet they were evolved to eat. Cows fed corn and silage have an imbalanced fatty acid profile, favoring Omega 6 over Omega 3- increasing…
  • People aren't going to stop eating meat. I would rather people support local farms, and grass-fed/ humanely raised animals. I'm speaking as a vet, too!! People love their meat, our bodies love meat- so rather than black and white, all or nothing, educating folk and encouraging people to eat local is really the way to go. I…
  • Oooh! I just started too and would love to see some folk's results.
  • Hey there! For everyone who read this, said they were scared about going up to TDEE etc, I would strongly urge you to educate yourselves on the Eat More To Lose Weight group here on MFP. There are some incredibly informative threads on there. I was eating too low, below my BMR at MFP's suggestion of 1200... meaning, below…
  • LOL! Awesome. It's my huge pet peeve too, nothing to do with OP's post but I just needed to laugh. To comment on the original post, I keep my diary private because I am a private person. I don't really need nor want friends on here, I am here for me, to track what I'm doing and make sure I'm tracking my macros and calories…
  • Check out the "eat more to lose weight" group. And Helloitsdan (a member) has something called a road map which helps you to understand why you actually do need around 2000 calories. I am 5'4" and currently eating 2000 calories, lifting weights and running, and doing great. Please understand you may gain a little at first…
  • Hi- thanks so much for replying. I started mid December (12/12 I believe) but had slowly been coming up in calories in the 2 weeks before; so I'd say safely that it's only been 2-3 weeks. I was just surprised to go up so much. I definitely am relieved to be eating this amount, my energy is great, I'm not cranky or…
  • Hi! Yay! I'm fairly new to it too, it's crazy how much I eat... feels great. Welcome!
  • I don't exercise when I'm on my moon cycle; it's not good to stress the body when you're bleeding, particularly any exercises that invert your legs above your waist. Anyway I am clumsy and tired when I bleed, so I usually take about 2 to 3 days off and I feel so much better when I do. I find I'm more prone to injury when…
  • Yay! Good for you for being bold, you are definitely an inspiration. Be proud, you look great!
  • What's carb cycling?
  • Right, as above! There is something on here people talk about, "skinnyfat" which is a hilarious but apt term. It means you get skinny but have no tone, and that leads to your skin doing what yours does- give the impression of fat rolls. Lifting weights is the only way to counteract that, as well as eating enough food,…
  • Nothing. That stuff is poison, in so many ways. (Sorry to be a downer)
  • LOL! Tonight my PT was walking me through and I commented on how it seemed like social hour (a bunch of big dudes were leaning on a machine chatting) and that I'd always been intimidated by the weights area. He said, "See that mirror? Those dudes are more interested in looking at themselves." HA!!
  • Hahaha!! So when someone starts a thread like this just to stir the pot, is it called a troll thread? Shouldn't this be in the Humor section of the message boards? So amusing! My neighbor's cat must have had fat cat parents, too. She looks like a loaf of bread with paws.
  • Oh- and I am meeting with a personal trainer at my gym tonight to learn how to safely pick up heavy things and put them down again!!! So excited!
  • Hello everyone, I am fairly new to MFP (about a month) and I want to say how grateful I am to you all for this information, this group. Especially you Kiki, for your videos and the time you've taken to educate people. After doing a lot of reading, listening, trolling people's experiences on the boards, I decided to go for…
  • Huh, this lady is posting this same fear crap all over the boards.
  • LOL!! What a riot! All things in moderation. I exercise so I *can* eat sugar- ice cream and chocolate, oh yeah!
  • Well, OP, that is not at all how I view you. I can safely say that each and every 'before and after' post I see, I am struck by how gorgeous everyone is. Wanna know why? Because health, and pride in taking care of one's self and body, is BEAUTIFUL. I mean GORGEOUS. Seriously. So what if you don't have a perfect VS model's…
  • PS: There's nothing wrong with you. Ok?
  • Hi there, I have battled sugar addiction for a long, long time. I even have a blog about it ( but I'd look at the earliest entries for help, or at least for a sympathetic journey. Over the years I kicked sugar successfully for months, even years at a time, and then always fell off.…
  • Flavored teas!! If I really want a dessert drink I have decaf vanilla tea, or a fruity tea; Yogi tea makes some awesome flavored teas. I just add a little milk and a tiny bit of honey if I really want a sweet drink, but most of them are good on their own. One that I've found is Egyptian Licorice, which has a wonderful…
  • Vodka with soda water and lemon- refreshing! That way you can avoid the diet soda trap. That stuff still spikes your insulin and it's horrible for you to boot. Wine isn't too bad, if you aren't looking to get smashed; especially prosecco (Italian version of champagne). Forget those sugary drinks like Baileys and all that.…
  • Oh your poor heart. I am glad you took the healthy road out of the grief. What a beautiful story.
  • St John's Wort is working awesome for me! Sometimes you need to take enough. The dose really varies.
  • Make sure you avoid farmed fish; they are fed diets that are not natural to them and it affects their fatty acid profile of their flesh. Farmed salmon is the worst- eating that is inflammatory, as opposed to the wild caught, which is higher in O-3s. Fish oil (from wild sources) is also critical. You may hear that eggs and…
  • By the way- if you have a gluten intolerance- it is not dose dependent, meaning, even the smallest amount can be an irritant. If you decide to go gluten free for 30 days as a test, something I think is well worth it, you want to be aware of where wheat or gluten hides; soy sauce, for example, and even oats have gluten.…