helen8kids Member


  • Does any one know why we shouldn't use rice flour. I just purchased brown rice flour and saw that it was on the list of items we shouldn't consume. Is it because of the carbs associated with it?
  • I had a Visalus protein shake with almond butter, instant coffe coccoa. My favourite only just over 200 calories.:happy:
  • Hi, I'm not an Aussie, though would love to be!!! I'm actually a Canadian and approaching a cold winter, hence why i want to be an Aussie. You could also add me if you wish.
  • Welcome!!! My fitness pal is incredible. I wish you much success with your goals. I'm also 42 years old and because of the added weight i've always felt older. Once you've set your mind to do this, you will accomlish your goals. just remember it's baby steps.
  • Hi, I nursed 8 children(if you can believe that) and 1550 calories may be adequate as long as you're eating proper nutrition and not filling your diet with empty calories. Fluids are equally as important, make sure you're drinking enough of them. I loved it when I was nursing because it was a great time to shed the weight.…
  • I believe in indulging every once in a while. Though I wouldn't do it until you have been following your program for some time and will have the motivation to go back to it. Instead of a cheat day how about a cheat meal?
  • Hi Mara, congrats for taking that first step. It's hard to succeed if you're not ready. It's baby steps, and don't forget that and get discouraged. We all need to get healthy and beat obesity!!! Way to go you'll do great!!!!!! You can also add me as a friend. I'm also new to this.
  • Hi, I was in the exact position as you until I started to incorporate protein shakes in my diet for meal substitution. I've also omitted as may whites as I could such as white flour, sugar, rice, potatoes..... It's 80% of what we eat. Even though fruit is healthy for you there's a lot of natural sugar. I feel amazing and…