CancunJulie Member


  • Join a running group - and run our weekly long run with people that share the same pace goal. You will become fast friends with these guys. Also - follow a running plan that has you running the same amount of miles during the week as your long run on the weekend. For example - if your long run is 20 miles - then make sure…
  • Pick up a copy of the Hungry Girl cookbook. A lot of great ideas for low cal meals or snacks for every craving. items are easy to make, but you have to make them which gives you the chance to think it through. Do not buy the quick foods and have them on hand, too convient.
  • Yes - I crave chocolate too. I just made the brownie mix with the pumpkin pie filling. Honestly all you have to do is mix one package of browniee mix and the pumpkin pie filling - put in a 9x13 and cook according to the brownie mix instructions. Cut it in 15 pieces and you have a very satisfying 150 calorie snack.
  • I am in this category. I need friends that understand just how hard it is to get rid of the last 5 lbs, and 5 lbs is a big deal when you are this small. Please shoot me a friend request.
  • It can be healthy if you follow some guidelines. Do not let them put that basket of chips in front of you. Skip beans, rice and cheese. My stand by is chicken tacos with no cheese and extra pico. Each taco is about 150 calories that way.
  • Sign up for a 5K in 3 months and tell everyone that is your goal - post it on Facebook. Follow the couch to 5K running plan to the letter - especially if you are not used to running. My weight is very hard to burn off and nothing burns calories like running. The great thing about running is the second you step foot out the…
  • Hi I love this topic and I am excited to find a twin. I looked through 9 pages of posts and I have not found you yet. If we are close please send me a message or friend request. I need help with these last 5 pounds!! Name Julie Age 39 (turning 40 this summer!) Height - 5 foot tall SW 126 CW 117 GW 112
  • I like the idea of a good work out and bring your own food to munch on. Low cal popcorn, veggies, hummus, veggie tray and a crock pot of lower calorie chilli.