liza8888 Member


  • Hi everyone! My name is Liz and I just joined the group. Not sure which board I should start with so will do this one first :laugh: My short term goal is to work out 4x this week. (I used to be good at exercising but have let life get in the way!) My medium term goal is to lose 10 pounds by the time I go to my doctor for a…
  • Skipped Saturday unfortunately but did it yesterday morning so finished D3 L2 (D13 overall). Tough weekend eating wise so will try to get back on track today. 4 weeks until my vacation! Won't be doing workout until after work today - will try to do it as soon as I get home to get it done. Great work everyone who has been…
  • L2 D2 (D12 overall) done! I REALLY did not want to do it today - so tired when I got home from work. My daughter decided to have a bit of temper tantrum so I decided I would go downstairs and let her Dad deal with it :laugh: I HATE PLANKS too!! I feel like I don't get my butt low enough but hopefully like Level 1, things…
  • I have a 9 year old who tell me the same thing! I tell her she should get up and try it with me :laugh:
  • Completed L2 D1 (D11 overall). Found parts of level 2 hard and parts easier. Definitely alot of planks and I had to do many of the modified versions. Sweated like crazy of course. My back is aching so hope I didn't do some of the exercises incorrectly. Glad it is over for today!
  • Good morning! I won't be doing 30DS until this afternoon but wanted to post my measurements before I start Level 2 since I didn't for Level 1. W - 178 (Before Level 1 - 181) Right Thigh - 22 1/2 Hip - 46 Bust - 32 Waist - 34 1/2 Inch Below Belly Button - 40 Clothes feel so much better after 10 days of this so I think the…
  • Finished Day 10 of Level 1 this morning!!! Looking forward to different moves and dialogue too! I didn't take measurements before I started (just weight) but may take them today before I start the next Level. Congrats BeautyFromWithin - awesome results so far! Thanks so much for starting this blog - definitely keeping me…
  • That is what I'm trying to do too. Some of the days, I end up just doing the 30DS and nothing else so those are my "rest" days :laugh:
  • L1 D9 done! Glad I'm back to my morning routine today so I don't have to worry about doing it when I get home from work later. I did 15 minutes of nordic track afterwards so feel like I got in a good workout. One more day at level 1 :laugh:
  • Totally agree! At least now I know she's lying so I don't get all excited that there are only two more :angry:
  • Hi everybody! L1 D7 and D8 complete! I did do it yesterday but didn't go on the computer afterwards. The pushups are definitely still hard. I tried to do one regular one today without success. And the jump ropes and side lunges are still hard. Makes me feel like I'm doing something though. I lost 2 pounds since last Monday…
  • L1` D6 done! It is getting easier thankfully. I think starting Monday I will add 15 minutes of hula hooping to my day. I did that last year and it really helps tone the hip area (my major problem area). Some of my summer clothes are feeling looser so this is working. I'm so glad I found this message board since I probably…
  • Agree! Today I was pretending to punch her when I was doing the punches :laugh:
  • L1 D5 done! Had to do it this afternoon instead of morning but made sure I did it first thing when I got home from work to get it over with. In my head, I was thinking that I was going to have to start level 2 on Monday but realizing from other posts that it makes so much more sense that you would do 10 days at each level.…
  • and the fact that you can't fast forward through the first part is super annoying :angry:
  • D4 L1 done!!! Got my friend to do it with me here at the gym at work so that made it more fun. Couldn't quite make it through all of the side lunges putting both arms up - had to switch to one arm at a time for a couple of reps. I was thinking last night that I need a chart for my refrigerator so I can mark off each day as…
  • D3 L1 completed! Did it at night this time but usually do it at 5:30 in the morning. Will be interested to see how I feel tomorrow morning when I do it again! You guys are keeping me going with this - thanks! Today was the first day I did the side lunges with both arms going up - tough but I made it through. 27 days to go…
  • L1 D2 done!! I was sore but I actually felt less sore after I did the workout! I think I'm going to do Level 1 until Sunday and then try Level 2 next monday. I did try it once before and remember it is a killer. I've been doing my pushups against a wall. I am terrible at them and someone once told me that will still give…
  • Day 1 done! I followed it up with 15 minutes on the elliptical trainer. Tired but happy I did it. 29 more days to go!
  • I'm in! I have about 6 weeks until vacation and need to lose some weight to fit in my summer clothes from last year! I had gotten a 3 pack of Jillian Michaels dvds for Christmas including 30 day shred. I did a different one this morning called Banish Fat Boost Metabolism which was really tought but was 50 minutes long - no…