YouTube How to low bar squat with Mark Rippetoe. He is the best instructor. Right now all I can say is that the form you have is bad but don't feel qualified to tell you how to fix it. Watch that video. Good luck.
Thats great, relays look fun. I was at the pig cheering people on today. You did a little more than a 10k today. That means you can do the turkey trot on thanksgiving, its a 10k.I have been doing that the last five years. It is lots of fun and hope you run that one too. Keep it up and good luck to you.
None tonight, thats rare for me but trying to limit the beer I drink as well, however I will have a couple brooklyn lagers while grilling tomorrow. Enjoy the rogue, I envy you right now.
Deadlifts can be very taxing, but a great all body compound lift. I do my warm up sets and then just do one set of five reps. Thats all I can take. I add five pounds each sessions. Im up to 280 now. Been doing them for three months. Form will always seem good at lower weights but wait till you starting increasing the…
I have been doing starting strength 3x5 for a few months with a broken ankle in between so no squats for a while. Bench 195 3x5 Deadlift 270 1x5 Press. 125 3x5
I started running and ran( no pun intended) into a similiar problem. It seems runners are always getting injured from time to time, whether it be shin splints, plantat fasciitis, knee problems ect. I love walking and hiking and it keeps me injury free for the most part. I switch it up with biking as well and love it. I…
Powet rack all day long. Safer and wont need a spotter.
You should be lifting even though you are on a deficit and cant build muscle. You can maintain the muscle you do have. It takes a long time to build muscle so dont just give up what you got.
13 min mile is really good for walking. I looked up average walking times and found this.... Time for Women Under Age 40 Well above average: 13:30 or less Above average:13:31 to 16:00 Average: 16:01 to 18:30 Below average: 18:31 to 20:00 Well below average: 20:01 or more Time for Women Age 40 and Over Well above average:…
You shoud buy book. Got mine on amazon. Yet to do it though as I am still a novice, once my gains stop I will switch from starting strength to 531.
I would give up the running, stick with the lower impact activities. I seem to always be injured when running these days as well. There is nothing worse than being injured and not being able to enjoy the activities you like. Your doing spinning, yoga and lifting, thats awesome. Replace the running with walking and hiking…
I would focus on compound lifts as a beginner. Squats, deadlifts. Bench press, overhead press. I see lots of women on here doing stronglifts 5x5 or new rules of lifting for women. Look them up. Most people have great success with them and really enjoy it. Good luck to you.
It is down there somewhere, let me take a second look.
I realize this is some kind of joke, but there really is no place for this on this site, joke or not. Take it somewhere else
Taking a week or two off is fine. I take a week off when vacationing and every 3 or four months. You might want to look into a new routine when you get back, its good to switch things up and best to start something new after a break. Enjoy your few weeks of cardio only.
Stick with your bike. Leave the weights to the rest of us, you dont seem to get it. Losing fat and retaining lean muscle mass is all right with me. Either give it a try or dont.
That sounds awesome
Gym membership
I may have to try this, just doing compound lifts heavy weight low rep but want to add some things. This might work. What assistance lifts do you do?
Will check our videos, my form sucks. Thanks
Pull-up bands.
Muscle pharm combat powder
Great protein, but it is too expensive. I started out using that stuff, but found there are much cheaper powders out there that do the same thing.
400 pounds is a bold goal for someone who has never even attempted a true barbell squat. You need to start barbell squating and learn the correct form. Odds are you wont be able to even do 150 the first time out. Start with a low weight and work on form and kep adding weight each Session. Add 5 to ten pounds. This is how…
This, plus Tennis balls work nicely too.
Lucky you. Have not tried it yet but plan to soon. Make sure to tell us what you thought of the whole experience afterwards, I will be curious