

  • THANK YOU for posting your photos and telling your story. I am saving them because I know they will help me believe getting healthy again is possible when I feel like giving up. You are amazing. What an inspiration! Thanks again!
  • Good job! Excellent that you are giving away the too-big clothes. That says you're committed to never going back. I'm realizing now that keeping my big clothes (the last time I lost weight) was giving myself the wrong message. Thanks for helping me see that! Now I plan to give my big clothes away when the no longer fit,…
  • I want to be part of your dedicated and supportive group! I'm new here too--not even two weeks yet, but I feel as you do, "so extremely dedicated to reaching my goal." I find the food log enlightening and kinda fun, but I could sure use some pals here to help me feel less alone! I have 70 pounds to lose, but that number…
  • Who said anything about a funeral? People cope with many things, both large and small. If you look the word up, you'll see it means to deal with something, usually with a positive outcome. Why take offense where none was intended? I enjoyed my Thanksgiving very much. I hope you did too.
  • I'm glad you both lol-ed at "coping." It was meant to be be tongue-in-cheek. Happy holidays to you! :smile: Whoops! This didn't post where I intended it to, and I don't see a way to delete it.