laya65 Member


  • You're all awesome!.....thank you so much I'll try that....I already feel like I eat a lot but maybe some more color in my diet wouldn't hurt......and I drink on the weekends sometimes so I don't track's more of embarrassment because I'm trying to lose weight and.I know alcohol wont help, thanks again!
    in Help! Comment by laya65 April 2013
  • I run when I'm on my lunch and when I get off from work...I try not to eat my calories back because then I feel like I didn't really do burn anything off....and I have lost inches-my pants are not so tight anymore...but why won't the pounds go down
    in Help! Comment by laya65 April 2013
  • I opened my diary....I probably do need to eat more, thanks for the tips! and maybe change my routine up a little bit...all I do is run, so many some weight lifting will help?
    in Help! Comment by laya65 April 2013
  • Im eating about 1,100 to 1,200 calories a day
    in Help! Comment by laya65 April 2013
  • Im eating about 1,100 to 1,200 calories a day
    in Help! Comment by laya65 April 2013
  • I tried doing this but it was hard! and it seems like now matter how much I rub I can't loose the lbs, but my pants are falling off me.