moonrats Member


  • I've thought about it... and I really don't even know what it was about when I first started to restrict. I think once I did it... it just seemed like another thing to do, that I COULD do.
  • I've thought the same thing. I usually don't unless I feel like something stuck. Or like what Summerful has said, half wold be better cause we all know you don't digest EVERYTHING when not everything is kept in. Do you hope you put it behind you and look forward for tomorrow.
  • That year and half IS STILL THERE though. YOU KNOW you can do without. We all slip up. That's just life for ya. Don't let it keep you down though. Gotta get back up and show it who's boss! <3
  • 1. Thin people that come to my work and eat like no tomorrow 2. My hubby when he talks about his 'fat' 3. The scale 4. People talking about their new years resolution (b/c everyone's is to lose weight) 5. LARGER people... Like the morbidly obese. Don't get me wrong, I don't look down on them or anything, I just get scared…
  • I can relate to that one. (hugs)
  • Working out helps me fight the urge to be sick. If I work out then I feel better about fueling my body and don't need to purge. Just got to remember, it's all about moderation and if you work out too hard and/or too long then you're doing more harm then good. Got to keep the body working. ;) Congrats on the purge free…
  • You can call me MoonRat. I live in Kentucky USA and I'm 21 years young. I developed an Eating Disorder when I was about 11 years. I've tried recovery a few times, I always fall back. I've come to the conclusion that I'll have to deal with this for the rest of my life. So here I am on MFP, keeping track of what I do. I am…