OMG, Mr Diggler - do I detect a sign of intelligent life on the Forums?
couple of thought-provoking comments here. rest need to go back to their football games. rational thought is obviously not a team sport. and we wonder why our younger generation seems to be sinking into barbarianism.....(shrug) what.
When my kids were young and got into tussles, I suggested they play nice or go to their room. I thought it was a workable solution. It would probably work for grown-ups as well. MFP has been VERY valuable to me. It has been worth every dime I didn't have to pay for it.
when they speak of Freedom, ask whom they want you to kill. - Kahlil Gibran
too many folks can't see the present. too dazzled by the bow and gift-wrap. if they can't see YOU, leave them on the pavement and go on.
wonderful article! thanks for posting. I have shamelessly lifted it and will post to my blog so I can keep it and share it. thank you for sharing!
'Muricans???? who you? Dubya?
honey, you were a beautiful fat girl. now you are a beautiful skinny girl. and an inspiration to the rest of us. soooo glad to have such a skinny, beautiful, up-beat friend! thanks........
where's your butt??? definitely an inspiration! and your arms are fantastic!
mmmmmm! sounds yummy. what kind of wine would you serve with that, red or white?
today was not a good day - too much garbage. but normally I stay around 7 - 8. I try not to get hungry, cause then I tend to over-indulge. tonight I ate TWO of Maggie's hot dogs! I don't EAT hot dogs. they are Maggie's treats. she watched me. sadly. so now I'm double guilty - (1) for eating garbage and (2) for making…
as Forest Gump sez, xxit happens. that was then and this is now. so proud of you for re-claiming your life. it might also be helpful for you to regard your attacker as a victim. that was one sick puppy, and he must have had a horrific life to have been brought to that point. forgiveness may be impossible, but compassion…
reaper's gonna get me, but I plan to make him trot.
don't know the exact number of calories, but a wedge of raw cabbage is my go-to snack. great crunchability, filling, and when you have eaten it, you think you have eaten something. 1200 is a Target, not a Commandment. chill. and hang with MFP! it works!!!
thanks for sharing. already knew it, already believe it. have done my homework. and to those who don't - rock on. you can have my share.
NO DIET SODAS! bad stuff. look at the ingredients, and if you can't pronounce 'em, don't eat 'em.
whose pants are those? give 'em back. 115! HERO!
phenomenal! you look about half your previous size. thanks for sharing the pictures. now I'm gonna go get skinny, too.
That is truly amazing! I can't believe the difference between the first picture and the last ones. I really like the one with the black shirt. and you look so much happier. I only started MFP in November and have made good progress. thanks for your pictures and the inspiration! I'm gonna do that, too!
you're in the right place! welcome! I've only been with MFP since the middle of November, but I've lost almost 12 pounds. there's something about the accountability that really helps keep me on track. also helps to have Cheerleader Friends! Good luck!