nbg127 Member


  • Lost 85lbs on phentermine w help of a bariatric doc. Life long struggle between healthy weight and over weight. This medication helps reduce appetite. I was constantly hungry and this gave me control. Took over a year to reach goal so not a quick weight loss fix. I still record EVERYTHING I eat. Still workout regularly and…
  • @ swambsganss - perfectly said! I was about to comment on the place for vlcd's (very low calorie diets) - which I have been on - but swambs explained it very well. Many medical programs/docs use it successfully to jumpstart patients into a healthy lifestyle. There are many paths to health and the main focus should be to…
  • Long time yo yo dieter here and going to weigh in on this (no pun intended!) - have been working with a bariatric doctor (obesity specialist) for almost 2 years now. lost 83lbs as of this morning. Almost to goal ( I am shooting for a body fat percentage of 30% versus a number on the scale - currently at 33%). And for the…
  • I use the Bulletproof - but honestly, I don't see much difference in any other MCT oil I have tried (have not tried NOW). I have not tried the coconut oil but I see a bariatric doc and she uses coconut oil herself. - she puts a tablespoon in her own coffee in the AM like Bulletproof suggests.
  • Hey traceykopp, Most docs will only prescribe phentermine if you fit into the category of medical advisement for the drug. This would be a BMI of 30 OR a BMI of 27 with a medical condition of high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, et. The biggest issue for you is the medical tests results are all good and your…
  • So I used diethylpropion (milder appetite suppressant) last nov, dec, jan to shed 45lbs (started at 225lbs). I changed my diet and added exercise. I maintained my weight within 8 lbs and over the summer. I now see a bariatric doc who suggested I try phentermine after difficult starts to try to lose the remaining weight. I…
  • Great job! Congrats :smile:
  • I went through this exact situation myself this year. It hit me in October when I realized how little I had actually dropped in weight. I was hitting the gym and trainer at least 3 days per week and walking hills on the other days. I decided that I wanted to actually get the scale to move downward and focused on my food…
  • Yep! I'm pretty much in the same boat. My all time high was 225 - lost to 179 about a year and a half ago and then back up to 216 by the end of August. Working my way down again but feel much more determined and positive that I CAN do this. At 189.2 this morning. Great idea for a thread as there are some days I feel like…