Anyone on Phentermine??



  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    If it was available over the counter or legal in the states I'd take it.

    ...and this is exactly why it's not.
  • blairf83
    blairf83 Posts: 33 Member
    I took it for a month and a week get me over the hump. However, I gave it up and went it alone after that because the side effects were too bad for me- For starters, no amount of fiber and water kept me able to "go"- I was having to take stimulant laxative EVERY. DAY. .... also, I found it made me extremely short fused and distractable. I would be sitting at my desk (next to about the nicest, sweetest person in the office) and hear one little noise and be ready to snap her head off....
  • blairf83
    blairf83 Posts: 33 Member
    It's legal in the states. Just highly regulated.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I'm sending a friend request. I'm on phentermine too, though I'm about to be taken off it. Most of us on medications stay "underground" as there is so much judgment about it on the site. Good luck! :flowerforyou:
    There is no judgment, just concern and realism. Weight loss drugs are not necessary.
  • msschaller99
    msschaller99 Posts: 35 Member
    Yep, been helping me lose for the past 10 months. Down over 50 lbs and within 10 of goal since I started taking it. My doctor is okay with keeping folks on it (especially for maintenance) provided you use it properly and can show that you are using it properly by sticking with your diet, meds and exercise routines. It is an addictive substance and most doctors will not prescribe it for longer than 6 weeks but there are some out there that will use it for what it is designed for - weight loss and maintenance of said weight loss.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Yep, been helping me lose for the past 10 months. Down over 50 lbs and within 10 of goal since I started taking it. My doctor is okay with keeping folks on it (especially for maintenance) provided you use it properly and can show that you are using it properly by sticking with your diet, meds and exercise routines. It is an addictive substance and most doctors will not prescribe it for longer than 6 weeks but there are some out there that will use it for what it is designed for - weight loss and maintenance of said weight loss.

    A lot of MD's won't prescribe it long term for what it can do to your liver and heart.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Yep, been helping me lose for the past 10 months. Down over 50 lbs and within 10 of goal since I started taking it. My doctor is okay with keeping folks on it (especially for maintenance) provided you use it properly and can show that you are using it properly by sticking with your diet, meds and exercise routines. It is an addictive substance and most doctors will not prescribe it for longer than 6 weeks but there are some out there that will use it for what it is designed for - weight loss and maintenance of said weight loss.
    Why would you (you in a general sense, not your personally :smile:) need a weight loss pill to lose weight and to maintain?

    It's not the weight loss pill that leads to weight loss, it is the calorie deficit, and you can have the deficit without the weight loss pill.

    For me, part of the weight loss journey is learning ways to ward off the hunger by eating foods that satiate,as well as learning about will power and coming to grips with the fact that I do have control over what I put into my mouth.

    No offense intended, but I would not trust a doctor who prescribes a weight loss pill so freely and advise people to use it for maintenance, especially with the pill side effects.
  • ElliTree
    ElliTree Posts: 23 Member
    I took it for 3 months or so over five years back. Kind of wish I never done it. For one thing, it stops working over time unless you keep increasing dosage. For another, I wasn't eating a lot of food on it and it screwed with my digestion system. I had some wicked skin problems and lets just say things with my then new bf got...interesting in the bedroom.

    Also, I gained all the weight back after i stopped taking it. yeay!
  • msschaller99
    msschaller99 Posts: 35 Member
    A good doctor is watching your blood pressure and liver function while you are on this med. I am fortunate in that my health insurance pays for my liver function tests due to other medications that I am on. Having hypertriglycerides and the resulting meds require liver function tests every 6 months and the weight loss helps to improve my triglyceride numbers, so the potential benefit is greater than the possible side-effects. My blood pressure is closely monitored also and has gone from 120/80 to 102/62 at my last reading. My triglyercides are within normal ranges for the first time since I was 18 years old! That is huge for someone who has a genetic predisposition to high triglycerides resulting in 3 bouts of pancreatitis.

    While many lose weight without the aide of medication, it does help ME stay with the program....for the first time in my life. Is it the medication? Is it just more determination this time around? Is it the support system I have through my doctors office? Could be any of these and more, but I know the medication DOES help ME. This isn't a bad thing either and I went into with open eyes having done my research on phentermine and the willingness to stick with the program my doctor has sent forth for me. I don't take the medication everyday anymore and I am compliant with all the requirements my doctor has set forth for me.
  • beamer0821
    beamer0821 Posts: 488 Member
    i took phentermine years ago. the effect eventually wore off, i went off of it and gained all the weight then some.

    i don't want to make you feel hopeless about it but there is a healthier way =)
    900 calories sounds miserable
  • drea248
    drea248 Posts: 2
    Hello I am on it as well I was on it about two years ago lost like 15 pounds in two weeks then 30 in a month its great I also drink woman mulit vitamins in the morning and biotin because side effects show lost hair ..... its a good Drug you just have to eat if you don't eat you will get shaky and nauseous so make sure you have carrots or celery around and you will be fine...I was off of it and stopd watching what I was eathing that's why I gained so much weight but im back on it .... just use it for like a month or two so it gets u on then you can stop it. I LOVE IT
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    I was off of it and stopd watching what I was eathing that's why I gained so much weight but im back on it .... just use it for like a month or two so it gets u on then you can stop it. I LOVE IT

    You gained the weight back because you never learned accountability in the first place. What happens after a month or two?
  • drea248
    drea248 Posts: 2
    Its working for me now yes I fell back due to poor choices and situations in my life but a lot of people I know have token it and kept the weight off..... I know its a good and you can do it!!:D
  • nichalsont
    nichalsont Posts: 421 Member
    I have taken it a couple of different times. Each time I completed the mediciation, I gained the weight back PLUS more. It didn't help me learn the lifestyle changes I needed to make to be successful.

    The cold, hard truth is I didn't get this way overnight and I am not going to get rid of it overnight either.
  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    Get a new Doctor.


    900 calories a day?! That's ridiculous!

    My doctor thinks a 500 calorie deficit could push it for some people... can't imagine cutting calories that drastically.

  • kristies73
    kristies73 Posts: 11 Member
    I was on it. Initially it helped me some, but not really. I think it made things worse. I gained back weight and more. I wish I never did it, but I guess I had to try it to understand. Be very cautious and I suggest eating 1200 calories at least.
  • idojpdx
    idojpdx Posts: 83 Member
    Yep, been helping me lose for the past 10 months. Down over 50 lbs and within 10 of goal since I started taking it. My doctor is okay with keeping folks on it (especially for maintenance) provided you use it properly and can show that you are using it properly by sticking with your diet, meds and exercise routines. It is an addictive substance and most doctors will not prescribe it for longer than 6 weeks but there are some out there that will use it for what it is designed for - weight loss and maintenance of said weight loss.

    I agree with everything you said, except the part about phen being addictive:
  • nbg127
    nbg127 Posts: 9 Member
    Long time yo yo dieter here and going to weigh in on this (no pun intended!) - have been working with a bariatric doctor (obesity specialist) for almost 2 years now. lost 83lbs as of this morning. Almost to goal ( I am shooting for a body fat percentage of 30% versus a number on the scale - currently at 33%). And for the first time in my life, I know I will never be fat again.
    I have used phentermine and diethylpropion during this time period (3 months on/ 1 month off). I eat 1200 - 1500 calories a day. BALANCED diet. Work out almost daily, play tennis, cycle, hike, strength train, yoga. I only really got active over the past 5 months once my weight got low enough to LOVE the activity. Mainly took walks before that. Now I miss working out when I can't get it in.

    My doctor explained that for many obese patients the medication helps balance the brain and that is why it works well for some. It is not about "will power" - it actually helps the person feel "normal" for the first time in their life. I started this pattern at the age of 14 - constantly thinking about where the next food item would come from - I grew up in a normal family, never starved, abused, et. As an adult - I had everything I could ask for - so what's the problem???? There is just something going on in my brain - my doc feels it is most likely genetic (that I could understand!). Finally now that my kids are grown, I am in control and living life. We went on vacation as a family and I threw on my swimsuit and went snorkeling with them - I had missed out on so much of their lives. So it makes me sad/mad when I hear others put people down for searching for something that will help them, especially when they are working with medical professionals. Obesity is a complex issue and our medical community is only now just discovering how to combat this out of control societal monster.

    My advice to those who are struggling: DO NOT GIVE UP. Write down what goes into your mouth. Cut out crap food. Change what you are thinking about when you focus on sweets/junk carbs, ie: look away. Make sure everything you put into your mouth tastes good! (as in not junky fast food). You will come to love good REAL food. You will stop craving junk food - I know it sounds preachy but I lived it - DAILY for YEARS. I tell people exactly what I do to lose weight - I also tell them it is NOT a miracle - I have to do hard work to make it happen along with the medication. It only helps a bit. All those thoughts, cravings, issues can come roaring back at any time so I have to make sure I stay on track. MFP is on my phone and computer and USED daily for notes and tracking. - I have to know what is and isn't working. So to those using medication - hold your head high - you can do this. STAY ON TRACK and remember you can't go back to junk food and bad habits - ever! (doesn't mean you can't ever have dessert - it's just controlled and tastes WAY better!) Good luck :)
  • MaggieLoo79
    MaggieLoo79 Posts: 288 Member
    I'm sending a friend request. I'm on phentermine too, though I'm about to be taken off it. Most of us on medications stay "underground" as there is so much judgment about it on the site. Good luck! :flowerforyou:
    There is no judgment, just concern and realism. Weight loss drugs are not necessary.

    There are circumstances that can prevent weight loss, even if you are at a deficit.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I'm sending a friend request. I'm on phentermine too, though I'm about to be taken off it. Most of us on medications stay "underground" as there is so much judgment about it on the site. Good luck! :flowerforyou:
    There is no judgment, just concern and realism. Weight loss drugs are not necessary.

    There are circumstances that can prevent weight loss, even if you are at a deficit.
    I can say that thyroid problems, hormonal imbalances, and insulin resistance propose a challenge to losing weight. However, it's not the weight loss pill that is making a person lose weight, it is the calorie deficit. After all, the only way to lose weight is to eat less than your burn (bold for emphasis only).

    If I am not getting what you are trying to say, please clarify.