

  • If you are snacking on things that are going to cause an insulin spike, you are likely to lay up fat. healthy snacking and all day grazing on good stuff will not. moving around a bit more will help. generic "snacking is bad" statement, in my opinion... is inncorrect...
  • Sweat in the eyesd and soaked clothing are what its all about..... ;-) Your body is the best indicator of how your workout went...... if you feel you could have done more, you probably could. BTW, I do a hills program on an ellyptical every day, and i only ever look at time / distance . with a fairly hard setting, I try to…
  • YES. "Hidden Calories?" .... They arn't hidden. just include the calorifc value in your calorie count. so if you want a sugar drink, go ahead, but you are going to have to drop something else. Personally, I believe both normal AND diet drinks do you NO GOOD what so ever, particularly DIET COKE which I i'm pretty sure is…
  • Why not get a cheap heart rate monitor (or use the one on the machine if it has one) (They are around £20 in the uk) .. Work in the zone rather by speed, that way, when the resistance is up, you can afford to slow down (but keep your heart rate at a good pace)... and vica verca.. Even if you dont wear it all the time, it…
  • Yes. It will always be ENGLISH and the ENGLISH way will ALWAYS be the correct way. America is just a word.
  • Yes. It will always be ENGLISH and the ENGLISH way will ALWAYS be the correct way. America is just a word.
  • Exactly!!!!, I canot believe someone even had the audacity to post this "spelling request" on a free website. ... some people!!"
  • I Think the Suppliment industry has a lot to answer for, which is what i was eluding to with my comments about the amount of sugars people think they need.. one Bar i was looking at the other day suggested 3 bars required for each hour of workout.. but the Carb content in those bars would keep someone going all day!!!! ;-(
  • I'm Diabetic, on insulin (low dose).... I train every morning on an empty stomach, I check my blood before and after and have NEVER had an issue or dizzy spells or nausia... BUT i eat shortly after... ((Everyone is different... BUT i beleive that lots of people are taking far more sugars in the form of energy bars and…
  • Please dont come to the Gym, Workout near me, and get all smeely and sweaty, i'm only here to stand and chat!!! .. Welcome to modern gyms. Social Hubs and places people go to gossip.
  • There is a certain element of this.... The sportswear companies like to make gym wear with a nice cut, and ladies like to look good. Then they get upset if they percieve you are looking at them...... Like a lot of things in "society" its a lose lose for men ... Last night i went out for a run in Lycra and a lady was…
  • Some people need to belong to a "Club".... or "Tribe"... others are lone rangers.... High Fives and Raving about training is enough to put me off what looks like franchised circuit training....
  • I see no problem with this, I go for my own benefit, no one elses!... I understand the posters thoughts, but seriously?.... Get In, do your stuff, Get out.... job done. .. MOST people are socially aware enough to know if they are making someone feel uncomfortable or not.... I'd hope.