First of all, congrats! You look gorgeous! Secondly, Would you be willing to elaborate on your food choices more ? Do you think not eating meat played a big role, in your weight loss ? Thanks
my friend is dietician, was visiting her office and for some reason decided to weigh myself. have giant calves,thats not genetic. they are soft and "hangy",not muscular.
forgot to mention,Im 5'3.
it does bother me A LOT. my waist is 22 inches and hips 39.
How about congratulations?
You go girl!
Holy Jesus! well done you!
You look awesome! Did you do low carb ?
75 inches ?!? you truly are an inspiration! Congrats!
I definetely can see a difference! especially on your legs! Congratulations!
Can anyone tell me exact workout schedule for trouble zones ? Today was my second day,but I do it on my own schedule
you look FANTASTIC! wow! I started butt bible and trouble zones yesterday, but it's more then likely that I ll also be doing BBL.
Well done you! inner thighs are my problematic area too. definitely ll be trying insanity!
You look absolutely gorgeous! Go, girl!
haha, thx :)
Thank you very much for your input! anybody else wants to share?
5'3, 125lbs, original wieght 90 lbs.
WOW. You look absolutely terrific! Well done you!
I have the opposite problem! I hate hate hate my body, my upper body is skinny and my butt is huge ! Does anyone know how to get it smaller?
Thank you everyone ! ll try brazilian butt lift workout too.
WOW. You look wonderful!