Livinz Member


  • It isn't high - it's what IIFYM calculates for my TDEE. I burn on average 2400 per day according to my weight, height and activity. It isn't ever just about calories in to calories out.
  • FYI, my TDEE is 2400, I eat around 1800-2000 depending on exercise. BMR is 1600.
  • I weigh and measure all my food.
  • I've been doing Keto for about a month - have only lost about 5 pounds, but my tummy is much happier and I have much more energy. I looooooove keto food though - for lunches I make chicken pie made with cream and mashed cauliflower on top, or I made Moussaka this week, or an egg, cheese, bacon and chicken bake thing.…
  • I suggest reading up on Ketosis in more detail. If your ketostix are showing your in ketosis that just means you have a large amount of urinary ketones being expelled from your body. Trust the blood meter - it's more accurate. If it's not showing your in ketosis yet drop your carbs more (to maybe 5% - include lots of green…
  • What is your TDEE? I would eat more too. My TDEE is 2200 so I eat 1800 per day. I also have a desk job.
  • As a male you should definitely be upping the calories above 2000. I'm a 5'9" female and eating 1700cal (and increasing to 2000 at the moment to reset my metabolism). You should be having plenty of protein (1g-1.5g per pound of bodyweight), low carbs, mid fat. For a 6 foot guy you're actually on the skinny side. You should…