shaznafathima1 Member


  • Thanks guys! this was helpful. This has kept me worrying for ages but I don't have to. I sleep late because I talk to my fiance who is in USA and he does a night shift,since I am in the UK. So i have to stay awake for a few hours to talk to him or I will never have time to talk to him. Thanks again guys
  • I get the point now..I was expecting sweet results to Thanks!
  • hey I am 19, 195 lbs but obly 5.7" Can we be diet buddies so that we can always be there to monitor on each other? my goal is also to lose 50lb but before May. In the past i lost 30lb in 2 months but i gained it all back. Reply me if you would like to be my diet buddy, we can get in touch through email I am sure we can…