breyegrl Member


  • Thank you both so much. Rarely do I reach out for help and this has been a very positive and uplifting experience for me. I appreciate your time and your insights.
  • Thank you. I’m just so tired of starting over. I’m going to make it this time! I appreciate your thoughts.
  • I think the overthinking comes from wanting to feel control. Maybe if I would stop obsessing over macros and add in some more routine exercise - it would help on multiple levels. Thank you for the idea.
  • Thank you. I appreciate your idea. I think I just want to feel better about the whole thing. I don’t want my self esteem to be tied to my weight fluctuations and I don’t want to “try” and still fail. I guess sustainability is what I’ve always lacked in this journey and, probably, what I need to focus more on. My…
  • Thank you. That makes sense. I guess teaching my body “healthy” takes more than three weeks. I’m impatient.
  • I’m on day two of no carb, no sugar. Would love to be your diet buddy if you need some support!
  • Change your goal. I have been "motivated" by the scales for too long. Now, I am not watching the scale as much as I am my fitness routine. Find a workout video that you cannot finish - set a goal for how far you want to be able to run - decide how many miles you want to be able to walk in 30 minutes and then focus on THAT…
  • I am new to this exercise thing and I have a question. I have a stationary bicycle. If I ride 10 minutes, at resistance level 6 (out of 10), at approximately 15 mph - I "travel" 3 miles. When I add that to the exercise calculator on this site, it calculates that I've burned 128 calories. The bicycle has its own "calories…