

  • Haha! Yes! I'm encountering this a lot in my journey to skinny-dom, because my friends and family want to get skinny as well. When I try to help them, they say all of the phrases in this video XD
  • Every woman has it, unless they are reallllly skinny. We're genetically wired to store fat around our bellies and thighs to help with baby-making. Lol. You should embrace it, because most people won't even notice it and point it out unless you're huge (...and then, they get cruel). I've heard massages and, like you already…
  • Yeah, I think I would accept mine if it came from something medical like yours... or kids, you know. But mine is just fat, which makes me want to lose it. Lol :(
  • So I can choose any exercise that targets the lower abs and it should work? :) Also, I'm looking into Jillian Michael's 30-day shred, Molleh. It sounds awesome-- but I wouldn't be able to do it everyday due to kickboxing :)
  • Lol, a FUPA is a sort of derogatory term for "Front Upper Pubic Area." I wouldn't have used it, but it's the only specific word I know of to describe the area. It's the area below your belly button and above your pubic region. Again, I apologize if I offended anyone.
  • Well, you aren't alone, but... I still bite my nails, lol. I quit before by chewing chicken bones each time I felt the urge... I don't know, I was nine and my very-country grandma told me to. Lol xD It did work, though. Lately I've been trying to figure out what triggers it, whether it be nerves, anxiety, etc and face the…
  • Water aerobics. I worked in a gym & they're specifically designed fore people with problems like that. :)
  • How do I find the calorie-count of vegetables and fruits? Lol, all of your suggestions are really great! I really liked the frozen banana one, I've never heard of that before. I'm definitely running out to the store tonight to stock up on some of these things :)
  • Ha, I'm like that too! Today I realized that when I work out more, I can eat more. Lol, as simple as that sounds. XD I'm about to go work out some more, just so I can drink some eggnog, haha!