

  • I definitely notice a difference. It's okay if your friends don't comment or notice a change. This is about pleasing yourself and accomplishing goals you set for yourself. Don't look for acceptance or appreciation from others. Its not about them, its about you. If people notice that's great. If not, that's okay, too.
  • Keep your food in a thermos. Make or heat up before work. I do this sometimes, and it works really well. The food stays warm.
  • "You crave what you consume." It is soo true. When I started eating clean I didn't crave all the bad stuff anymore. I plan my meals, instead of winging it. If I know I will be in a situation where there will be no healthy food choices, I bring my own food. I made Thanksgiving dinner for my family, so everything was a…
  • I used to suffer from sinus headaches, some days worse than others. A friend suggested Magnesium supplements. I took (and still do) everyday the suggested dosage. It has now been 2 years since I've had a headache, sinus or otherwise. I drink coffee too. Always black of course. Try the Magnesium. It works great for me.
  • I found some great recipes to keep me on track. Skinny Mash Potatoes, Skinny Green Bean Casserole, usual Turkey (only eat 4-6oz.), gluten-free biscuits. I'm cooking everything, and I'm soo excited to see how it turns out. You can find the Skinny recipes online. Just Google!
  • Oh okay. What does your workout routine consist of? I would suggest visiting They have lots of tips and tricks for exercise. I also follow Fitness Model Kelsey Byers. She has a great workout routine, and she looks great. You can find her on facebook.
  • It was like that on WW, too. Actually worse. WW allows people who aren't even on the WW program to sign-up and participate in their message boards. Some of those folks are awful to others. My guess is it is easier for them to be jerks, because they are just behind a computer. I wonder how they would be in real life, though.
  • What kind of results are you looking for??
  • I have no appetite either on my cycle or before. Towards the end I will have a chocolate craving, but it is a tiny one. I will have a little something. It hasn't affected my weight though, such as I didn't gain. I continued to lose.
  • People who cheat always shift blame. ALWAYS. I dated a guy like that. He always accused me of straying, wanting to stray or that I would find someone else better. I got rid of him quick, and no I didn't want to friends with him. Someone like that is a psychopath in my mind. I am single now and have been for awhile. I enjoy…
  • I am 4'11. I currently weight 108 lbs., which is in the range I was aiming for between 100-110. I lost 24lbs. on WW. I just switched to MFP, because of cost. I'm seeing how this method will work for me. I actually like be a shorty. :)
  • I had a friend try it after she read these celebrities doing it. One of her doctors told her to NOT do it. You are basically starving yourself, giving yourself no nutrients, and your body gets no benefits from it (other than losing a little weight). A good way to give yourself a good (healthy) cleanse is to eat more…
  • For your height, I wouldn't weigh below 135 lbs..
  • In the tracker all it has listed is the Calories, Carbs, Protein, and Fat, so I'm not using another source. I've read posts of how some doubled their protein intake. I do a light 45 minute jog in morning and 30 walk in the evening with my lab. I don't do any other exercise. I guess I will just play with this and see how it…