1 hr 30 mins cardio 15-30 mins weights
People lie too much on here, yes starvation works, that is how most models stay that way. Also when you are not eating you are not sitting there thinking about food saying should i have a salad with grilled or fried chicken, you avoid everything.
I like Tae-bo personally.
Your all clearly missing the point. I will probably make another profile to ask questions since you all have me "figured out"
Folks are taking it all wrong, and not same guy DIFFERENT guy. I wish you knew what I been through before dismissing this entire post because you have pre conceived ideas in your head.
Sorry but what planet do you live on that I should not worry what I look like?
When I was closer to 300 than I was to 200. I decided that was bad enough.
Really? From your picture I think your a totally cutie!