nickpdesign Member


  • Hi Ricjos0101, Please watch this 2 video series on how to weigh yourself. It covers a lot of myths, common problems, and answers a lot of questions. Pretty much the holy grail of the science behind weighing yourself. You'll learn a lot and thank me later :P
  • That day looks good, and I don't see anything out of the ordinary except your fiber intake could of been higher than usual. Maybe your body is adjusting to all the goodness you are giving it. If it continues I would go see a doctor just to make sure it's not a food allergy or anything gastrointestinal. Good luck!
  • Let us know what you are eating for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack. Maybe a food allergy, or your body is reacting wrong to something? Are you eating new foods that your body isn't use to, or are you just hungry all the time? When I would take my Green Tea Extract pill in the morning it caused my stomach to be upset.…
  • Family noticed around 20lbs, but most people are starting to notice now that i'm about 30lbs loss.
  • If you eat a caloric deficit of 500 calories per day, along with at least 30 minutes of cardio ( treadmill, elliptical, even walking outside) you should be able to hit your goal weight by that time. That could be almost 2lbs a week. Drink a lot of water in the morning and afternoon. Good luck.
  • i was stuck for almost 3 weeks! trust me your body is adjusting as the first pounds fly off quickly (water weight, body saying oh my god you're kicking me into gear!) let it get use to it and then you will see the loss start happening again. it's a typical plateau stage! you can also be gaining muscle too! don't worry just…