hello a quick question from a relative newbie (must get my walk in). Is there some way to get this new april thread in the "my topics" lilnk without posting to the thread? Thanks for the "tech support". A quick tip for anyone who is starting a routine with weights ... start with weights that seem ridiculously light and…
hi Diana For dash diet info, take a look at There's also a 60 page .pdf file at Let me know how it goes for you. I got off to a false start because I put myself into too low a daily calorie intake. Met with a dietician who helped me figure some of…
hi folks Went for a long (for me) walk with two friends yesterday. Would never have happened except that it was "scheduled" and no one wanted to let the others down. :heart: It feels like a great accomplishment! This afternoon I hope to fit in an hour or so of yoga, something I've always loved to do. I'm also doing my best…
hello I like this topic, but don't fully understand how this message board system works. Can I "join" a topic? If so, how? I wanted to mark it as a "favorite", but can't figure out how to do that either. In general, I'm enjoying this site and learning a lot from it ... but it is a frustrating learning curve for me about…
as I understand it, when you exercise to intensely (i.e. heart rate too high), the body uses muscle / protein / carbs for energy, not fat. Fat is burned during exercise that is less intense but is sustained for a (relatively) long period of time (i.e. walking for an hour). Sprinting to catch the bus would probably fall…