

  • Thank you all so much...and i about fell on the floor laughing when i heard the water weight thing......Its sooooo true tho, ill blow up like a balloon! Again thank you all so very much!:heart:
  • Im 5'1", and i started my weight loss journey at now at 210.8, and my goal is around 150...i have a long ways to go, but i know with love from our loved ones and support from our fitness friends, we all can do this!
  • Im right their with ya hun....i have close to 66 more pounds to loose, and i also make that my Oath....we can do this....YOU can do this!
  • how do you log everything in on mfp tho, bc i dont know about everyone else but when it comes to a buffett like chineese, i dont know what everything is called to even type it in.....but i dont want to miss a day or lie on my food tracker
  • I dont think i can order anything, bc its one of those buffetts that what you see is what you get....thanks everyone vry much for the reply's
  • this is kinda off topic, but hopeing someone may be able to help me out.....I have a ton of weight to loose, and my husband and some friends want to go out to a chinese buffett tomorrow afternoon....on my weight loss journey i eat what i want but just mind how much i eat of it, and so far that has gotten me from 236, to…
  • Welcome Brian, I am also new to this site...ive only been on maybe ten or so days, but just by joining ive already lost 5lbs. I started my weight loss journey exactly a yr ago, and lost twenty pounds then hit a wall...i didnt go anywhere for what seemed like forever. So a friend recamended this site and im slowly back to…