Starting again......

Hi guys,
This is round two for me. I was on track for 8 weeks and solidly doing well, then got the flu and it all came to a grinding halt! I really want to do this. I find looking at all of your success stories daily is what inspires me and keeps me going, so that is what I'll do. I hope I can make some friends that are in the same boat, with 50 pounds to lose, like me, so add me if you want :-)
I am over feeling uncomfortable in what I wear and constantly worrying about my big fat tyre showing around my waste! I want to feel fit, sexy and most importantly, healthy. I am this minute, making a solemn oath to MYSELF, I will always try my best each day!
That is all :tongue:


  • krystalannmiller
    Im right their with ya hun....i have close to 66 more pounds to loose, and i also make that my Oath....we can do this....YOU can do this!
  • rurumomo
    me too I have the last 10 lb to lose and its so hard but we can do it
  • serz81
    serz81 Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks guys!!! You all inspire me!!!