JamMarie1987 Member


  • Haha, I wish I could be coordinated enough for Zumba. There are a few classes run in town each week, but I live out of town so makes it difficult to join in regularly. But I'll give it a go. Might just have to google some workouts for each day and do the ones that I have equipment for.
  • My goal is weighloss and overall fitness to improve. My routine is kinda dead and boring at the moment (cardio with not a lot of variety in exercises off the machines). Hence why I need some suggestions :) Oh, I forgot to mention that I also have a power station too.
  • Oh no! Is your girl ok now? What was it? I have a friend who had to scratch from this same competition because the horse she was going to ride pulled his hoof off and had to be put down :( Just unlucky, thankfully she's got another horse that is going to take his place at the comp. So she's a little happier about that.…
  • I've had to struggle with this ever since at 15 I first was serious about losing weight. My parents stock their house FULL of so much crap (as well as the good stuff). My Mum (as much as I love her) is the worst for it. She constantly asks for advice on how to lose weight and eat right, yet she'll see something on sale and…
  • Definitely had trouble with this, still do. It's really hard living with someone who can eat whatever they want, and are really happy with your body the way it is. He wants me to be happy, and I find it hard to be happy when I'm trying to limit what I'm eating. So his constant comments are usually, "just eat what you want,…
  • McNuggets will leave you hungry, a double quarter pounder will fill you up. Enjoy!
  • astattonhunt: That sounds fantastic! I am resuming an exercise plan and healthy eating (havent been so strict lately due to recent health issues) post op and am after something to 'help' make the exercise and eating more effective. Just to clarify before I see anymore posts from people stating "diet pills wont work on…
  • Oh I know that many people aren't fond of them. I fully expected to have to skim through many posts that were just pure negativity. I've had positive experiences with them, and wondered if anyone else did and what pills they used. I am fully aware that if not used properly there can be serious consequences. And I am also…
  • Wow! I just love your enthusiasm! :) Thank you, I'll definitely look that up.
  • Yes I have seen the movie. But I'm not looking to go for as long as he did. Have you followed what he did, or something similar?