

  • ughh i freaked out over failing a test and gorged myself on 2 muffins and 3 donuts, attempted to vomit and failed. so now i feel terrible about failing and worse about failing at vomiting ughhhhhh
  • thank you. I also used to be a heavy drinker, and one day my dr said i was an alcoholic and tried giving me pills to stop drinking. I just stopped drinking on my own, i dont want to go down that road.. but then i think, i gave up drinking but now i cant give you food.. but one day at a time, right after the holidays i am…
  • so much for that.... my roommates all went to the club tonight, and i cnat go there because i have a restraining order against someone who works there... it sucks, and i got mad and upset, so i went w my bf to cheesecake factory ughhhh 4 pcs of bread w butter, 3 corn fritters and 3/4s of a steak sandwich and ff's later....…
  • thank you for your story. its true i know, but its hard being honest when you know youre screwing up. i have an appt in the morning so ill have ot fess up to a lot... ill also be getting more ritalin which helps me purge less because im calmer... i just want to be happy with myself and it seems so hard, idk... but thank you
  • so far so good! i went for vietmenese but i think i stayed within reason, i had pho and 4 small drumsticks, then went to the gym for the first time in 2 weeks, and it felt great =) hope everyones having a good day
  • thanks, ya i have a counselor and have on and off for years, i do well then i start lying to them. im trying one day at a time. i try to come up with foods that taste bad but really arent to kind of trick myself, the past month has been tough becuase i lost my ritalin script so ive been dealing with adhd symptoms and the…
  • that is exactly my problem, once i screw up, then im like well what difference does it make i screwed up again, then i just eat more.... then i hate myself for eating, so i eat even more and its horrific cycle. im down 40 lbs in 4 years, but its been rough, lots of bad dieting etc... now im just trying to get healthy but…
  • "fried rice" i dont know the exact calories but it was delicious, high fiber and protein and low fat frozen brocoli, corn (just a little for flavor), peppers, onions, green beans garlic olive oil (just about 1-2 tbsp for color, flavor, and healthy oil-optional) soy sauce (low sodium, just enough to color everything) quinoa…
  • hi everyone! i am new to this site. I need all the help i can get. Ive been overweight all my life. I am a veteran and was overweight for most of it then put on another 50 lbs when i got out =/ over the past 4 years ive lost a total of 40 lbs, lots of ups and downs and unhealthy dieting... now i have 40 more to go but i…