

  • I can relate with you! It's really hard to admit in front of others when you're on a diet... Thanks for the tip!
  • Congratulations!!! :) That's a great achievement!
  • I think it depends. If at the 7th day you allow yourself to eat anything you want, you might want to repeat it the next day which could mean consecutive days of eating a lot. That could eventually cause you to lose focus from your MFP plan.
  • Thank you fuzzymel! and congratulations to you too!
  • Hello! Like so many, I admit I do LOVE to eat. Over the past years, I've consistently been on a yo-yo scale. It's sad. I go on a strict diet phase but in the end I slipped because of my inert desire for love of food. But, do you know what I learned in this lifestyle change? Eating will give you pleasure ONLY while you are…
  • Hi there, I think one way you can manage that is by including foods you really like in the meal, but be wary of the portion too. That way:smile: , you'll feel satisfied and happy because you stayed within your daily calorie limit.
  • :happy: hey there!! I've also joined last tuesday and for my first week I've lost 3.8 lbs!! I want to congratulate y'all for all the weight you've lost !! I hope to get to know more of you people! :)