

  • I'm a 230 pound guy with two left feet and I love Turbo Fire. The moves take some getting used to, but what doesnt? I did Chalean Extreme two years ago and it was a fantastic program (even though strength training is my weakness and I curse it at the beginning of every workout :)). CE definitely produced results. As…
  • I'm a jogger, at best, but count me in. Add me too, if you like!!
  • One of my grandmas is called Grandma. The other we call Achoo.
  • I wish I had taken control when I was at your point. You're in the right place for it now. You can add me too if you want. Welcome!
  • Welcome Jess. I'm horrible at it, too, but I'll help if I can!!
  • Since I'm a guy, I can only relate to baby weight this way. When I was a baby, I had so much "baby weight" that people used to ask my mom why she wrapped rubber bands around my wrists. Does that count? :P Seriously though, welcome aboard. You've come to the right place. Everyone here is super supportive!!
  • Thanks guys. Vm, what you say makes a lot of sense and thanks for the perspective. I hope I can offer something to anyone who needs it. This is a very supportive group, I can tell already. Being able to give back as much as I've already taken since joining MFP would be great!
  • I'm 6'2" as well, but I'm 231 and would love to get back under 200. Most of my weight has gone to my stomach and I hate crunches!!
  • Thanks, everyone. Nice to meet you. Fit, I am SO not hip, so you'll have to explain the Bruno Mars thing. Haha.
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