

  • Time flies when you're having fun, right? LOL I am encouraged by your comment. Keep it up, it's not about being perfect, but making better decisions EVERYDAY, so you are on the right track :-)
  • @debgoomey great job! @kmcgrath1 on Sunday evening. I think Deb just chose to break her points down by day. Feel free to post your points here for encouragement from the group, but I need you to send me the total points for the week via a private message so I can keep up with everyone. Thanks!
  • That's the name of the game, notice and refocus ;-)
  • I am encouraged! I agree with you 100%. it is imperative to splurge from time to time to keep your sanity and keep you from giving up. In fact, I build my favorite treats or snacks into my calorie budget throughout the week. I am proud of you. Keep it up!
  • You sure can.
  • Happy belated birthday Zenya! I hope you enjoyed it. The good news is, you could workout in the morning and enjoy everything about your special day. @debgoomey YOU ROCK! That being said, please listen to you body. There is a difference between not working out because you are being lazy and taking a day off to avoid…
  • Just do a little each day and we hope to see less of you by the end of the challenge :-)
  • We'd love to have you! Those last 10 pounds are the hardest to lose and the hardest to keep off :-( I played with my last 7 pounds for 3 months before I hit my goal weight and was only able to keep them off for 3 months. It is always good to re-focus from time to time as it is easy to stray of the path, letting bad habits…
  • I like your declaration. Have you considered water aerobics? The pool should not be too warm because that we lead to exhaustion and you should take it easy your first few times, doing a little less of each exercises than everyone else until you see how you feel the next day. The exercises will help you feel better and the…
  • Oh, the points! On Sunday evening you can just send me a direct message with the number of points you have accumulated over the course of the week.
  • I'm with you. The point of the challenge is to establish good habits and start paying attention to what we're doing. Water is a challenge for a lot of people. While tea (I hope it's not sweat tea LOL) is a better than soda or any other drink, it cannot replace water. That's why I asked you to shoot for 6 instead of 8…
  • Great idea about the fruit. I don't bring the really bad snacks into the house, but I have to have my popcorn :-)
  • Great job Ladies! I got too busy to eat my afternoon snack and I'm not hungry now, so I will have to settle for 3 points today. I only had 4/5 servings of fruits &/or veggies. The competitive nature in me wants me to go eat a tangerine or something. The other side of me says, "let it go." Hey, I worked out twice today, so…
  • @lessismore Great suggestion. I will try to start one once a week because I hope to be on here daily, but honestly, it may not happen. You are right. Easy to get side tracked. I had a tangerine for dessert because I needed one more fruit or veggie last night.
  • That's wonderful! Looks like you have your hands full. If at all possible, it may work out to your benefit to get your 20 minutes in first thing in the morning before the baby wakes up and life is a little less predictable. Let me know how it works out for you. @jainmesoo I am so encouraged to see you all put points on the…
  • I totally understand. Try using a Netty Pot. My mom told me about it when I got sick over Thanksgiving and now I can breathe, though I'm still a little congested. I'm going to miss my class tonight, but am going to walk for 20 minutes on the treadmill. I hope you feel better.
  • Great job! I got my 4 points too!
  • Yay! @KMCgrath1 Keep it up and at the end of our challenge you will have earned yourself 100 points :-) @jjchairo You are not late, you are right on time! Good news, I built an extra day into the challenge, so if you did not earn 4 points today and you want to omit this day, you still have 25 more days to ear 100 points.…
  • Hey ladies! I would love for everyone to check in daily, in fact, it's part of the rules :-) If possible, could everyone post their comments, suggestions, successes and challenges under the "Daily Motivation" message board so we can keep each other accountable? To clarify, I would like participants to send me a weekly…
  • Thanks for sharing, Joanne!