erinkhalsa Member


  • Low sodium diet! That water weight will cover those abs right up.
  • Add me! Especially if you're in New Mexico!
  • Hello! I see no one has posted in a while, I hope this group still has some active members. I've been living in Albuquerque for a year now. My husband is from Espanola and we decided to move here for school when he got out of the Navy. I started running about 4 months ago. I'm now up to running about 13-16 miles a week. I…
  • Many, many times. Each time I fall off the wagon, I look closely at the cause. It's taken many years of cleaning up issues in my life to where I can finally stay on track with my nutrition and exercise.
  • I have bad asthma and allergies as well, and while any intense cardio will help condition your lungs, the best thing to get you in better running condition is, alas, running. Even more so I think running outside....load up.
  • I'm 5'6" and my UGW is 125, currently I'm about 135. My highest weight was almost 155.
  • Hello and welcome! I just started here about a week ago and I love it! I wish I would have done it sooner. I am 24 as well. I have never been extremely heavy but I have struggled with motivation to eat healthy and exercise my whole life. I bounce between being extremely athletic and healthy to not caring, but I've been…
  • Crock pot. It is your savior. If you want some easy, delicious, nutritious recipes shoot me a message!