New & Desperate:(

DivaVampTina Posts: 12 Member
First let me say "Hello" and that I'm new to MFP. I have been using it for about 1 month and have lost almost 5 pounds. I began using MFP to track protein as my Dr wanted me to intake about 76 grams a day due to hair loss I've been experiencing for 3 years after my husband retired from the AF and was jobless for nearly a year. During this time I was not only stresssed, but depressed and rarely ate, which led to a 60 lb loss that I did need (just not that way). I maintained the weightloss but was only eating 1 meal (panda express orange chicken) and a snack (ice cream for the most part) a day.

I not only cannot cook, but it actually stresses me out. As of right now I'm getting my protein in on 1200 calories, and losing 1 pound a week. However, my meals consist of Kashi cereal with milk, a banana and some walnuts in the morning, Healthy Choice frozen entrees for lunch and dinner and greek yogurt with walnuts for a snack. I wanted to start getting better nutrition in asap, hence the reason for the frozen dinners until I slowly start to switch over to "real" food. I know my body is craving whole foods because I'm wanting stuff I've either never liked or would be grossed out to even try. I'm freaking out and stressing more due to the hairloss, trying to figure out meals, etc which I don't need since it will only make things worse. I'm just about to hit 40 next month and looking for wigs and crying almost daily is not what I envisioned for my 40th. I was actually looking forward to this time in my life.

Anyway I'm hoping you all could give me a few recipes that are 300 cals or less but high in protein (preferably a minimum of 15-20 grams). Things I seem to be craving are things like harvest or Waldorf salads, avocados, meal replacement smoothies (I even got a Ninja blender for this but haven't even cracked the box because I'm so overwhelmed). The thing is, I know how to eat...what I should be putting on my plate, but putting a recipe together is stressful. I don't just want to have a plain piece of chicken, dry bread (although I don't mind eating a good whole/multigrain bread), etc. I just began subscribing to Eating Well and Cooking Light but still waiting on those, but I did see a page with a yummy Harvest Salad but it's almost 500 cal and low in protein. I know I could easily add eggs or chicken to it but that's as far as my cooking "skills" take me. Lol Here is the recipe

I'm really at my wits end here. I've gotten my thyroid, iron and hormones checked but so far nothing shows a reason so I'm really wanting to solve my eating habits and provide my body with solid nutrition while still losing 1 pound a week (as I do still have a good 20-30 to lose) in hopes this helps. I've seen 3 Dr so far, and no one can tell me anything.

Sorry for introducing myself this way:( I also wasn't sure what board to put this on since it encompasses several. I hope to gain some good info, and new friends well as get "me" back again:)

Thanks for listening:)
Tina (DivaVampTina)


  • erinkhalsa
    erinkhalsa Posts: 8 Member
    Crock pot. It is your savior. If you want some easy, delicious, nutritious recipes shoot me a message!
  • sarahcuddle
    sarahcuddle Posts: 349 Member
    It sounds like you've made a great start in losing that 5lb in a month and that you are making some good healthy choices. Try not to do everything at once just keep making those small changes. Do you think you could cook an omelette? You can use whole eggs or some whole eggs and some egg whites if you want to keep the calories down. Put some ham and sliced mushrooms in it maybe or a small amount of cheese. All good for getting the protein in. Serve with a large salad and you'll have your veggies too. I'm sorry to hear about your hair loss, it must be really upsetting. I'm assuming your doctor has checked your thyroid levels?
  • lovelyladyJ21
    lovelyladyJ21 Posts: 246 Member
    Crock pot. It is your savior. If you want some easy, delicious, nutritious recipes shoot me a message!

    I agree 100% I hated cooking when we got married. IDK if it was because growing up we never really did cook. Or if it's because I didn't know what to cook. THere are days where I hate cooking but it's because I have no idea to cook!!!
    I LOVE my crockpot. I use it atleast 2x a week.

    I have a couple of recipes if your interested!!
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    Baked chicken is super easy. Just put pieces of chicken on a tray, season them however you want, and bake them in the oven at 350 degrees (180 Celcius) for an hour. It is literally 5 minutes of work, and one chicken is 3-4 servings of meat.

    By the way, boneless chicken breasts are nearly as simple. Soak them in marinade or cover in bread crumbs, put them on a tray, and bake for 25-30 minutes.

    Instead of making real salads, I often just slice up some vegetables and leave it at that.
  • vzryder
    vzryder Posts: 129 Member
    Crock pot. It is your savior. If you want some easy, delicious, nutritious recipes shoot me a message!

    Absolutely agree with above comment, so darn easy, nutritous, economical, tops list on everything, I love mine!

    Next I see in ''recipes'' on forums/message baord section here, there was a post for ''2 ingredient '' recipes. I tried a banana and oat [with suggested variations] recipe for cookies, so easy and low cal and good for you :)

    Thank you for being brave enough to share your story, that alone makes you a winner in my opinion! Good luck adn remember you can learn nothing without asking, so you have made the first step, joining MFP, second step by sharing your story.

    Good luck and happy health , if you need friends feel free to add me :flowerforyou:

  • vzryder
    vzryder Posts: 129 Member
    Hope it is ok that I butt in here, would absolutely love and be so grateful for any crock pot recipe you would be willing to share :)
  • kcoftx
    kcoftx Posts: 765 Member
    Oscar Mayer makes a pretty good selection of precooked deli chicken. It looks like fajita meat but serves nicely cold. Put some of that in a nice salad. That will easily add protein. Sometimes I just eat a whole package of it by itself (6 oz., 220 cal., 46g protein) and other times I just add an ounce or two with other things I am eating including my scrambled eggs (which I add other veggies like you would an omelette). You can split a can of chickpeas for 3 servings for 100 calories per serving. You can roast or toast them (super easy) or add them to a salad.
  • gyure93
    Here is one of my families favorite recipes....

    Cheesy Chicken & Stuffing
    Place chicken breast cutlets in a lightly misted baking dish (I have to use 2 baking dishes)
    Place a piece of swiss cheese (or whatever cheese you prefer...I use 2% reduced fat swiss cheese) on top of chicken.
    In bowl mix 1 cup of Campbells 98% FF cream of chicken soup with 1/2 cup of FF milk....pour onto of chicken.
    In another bowl melt 1/2 stick of butter & mix in 1 box of chicken stuffing (such as Stove Top), Spoon that mix on top of chicken.
    Place in oven, on 350 degrees for about an hour.

    WW points plus is 7 per serving
    Nutrition Information per serving: 304 calories, 20g carbs, 9g fat, 33g protein, 1g fiber.

    Also try sites such as:

    They have wonderful recipes....a lot of easy crockpot recipes too.

    Hope this helps.
  • DivaVampTina
    DivaVampTina Posts: 12 Member
    Thank you to all for responding! Sorry it took me so long to reply. Trying to digest a lot and figure things out, etc:) I'll definitely being trying out suggestions! And, thank you Pat (vzryder)! I'm thankful for finding MFP! Even if for nothing than the wonderful people here:)
