ladolcelina Member


  • Im coming back to mfp, too. I'm in a similar boat and am looking for support. Feel free to add me!!
  • Welcome! I'm in grad school and married, too, and it is SO hard to fit everything in...there just aren't enough hours in the day. But it gets better!! I've been on and off of MFP for a little while but I'm committed to sticking with it now that I've had a little weight loss. I've started to feel that the support can really…
  • I've been away from MFP for a while, too. Getting back is tricky, but it's just a matter of making it a habit. You'll get there!
  • Wow! You're doing great!! I used MFP a long time ago and lost about 20...but then I stopped and here I am again. I'm 31 and have about 40 lbs to lose. I'm also looking for support, tips, and motivation. Please feel free to add me....and that goes for all of you, too!
  • I'm in grad school, too...working on my dissertation (finally!). I've found that the academic life leads to weight gain for me. The stress, the time constraints, and the need to "reward" myself with treats creates a perfect storm for packing on the pounds. It didn't help that I went from a very active life in NYC, where I…
  • The same thing happened to me! I'm back for another try and looking to connect with others to keep me accountable. I'm way too good at talking myself out of doing what I know is best for me. :)