

  • Hey, I think it's great if you can live like this... I envy people like you. I just can't dedicate so much time to something like that. One thing that I have always lived by is that you're going to die anyway, nothing will stop that, so why not enjoy yourself along the way? That big mac might take a whole day or two off…
  • What's a good serving size for nuts? I think i just had about half a cup, was that too much?
    in Aw nuts... Comment by Snowy42 May 2011
  • Thanks h3h8m3. I don't think I need to quit WoW completely. But I know I can at least put it down for at least an extra hour of an evening. I have a treadmill, but when we moved house it broke. Just won't work now... We got it going, but I think something shorted, the power blew and now there's no hope of it working. I'm…
  • C'mon buddy, don't do it! I did exactly what you're thinking. I PUT ON another 20-30kg (44-66lbs) when I did... You don't want that do you? 5 days is a terrific start, and I envy you. Keep going, lose that weight, feel better about yourself! Become the envy of everyone around you, make them proud, make YOURSELF proud. You…
  • I know the half hour won't impact WoW that much, but that's how I think now. When I get home, I KNOW I'm going to think "30 mins on my new priest is another 1-2 levels!! OMG CAN'T WASTE TIME GOGOGO". (US-Kel'Thuzad) Does anyone know some good workout videos I can follow that are free? Downloadable or able to watch online?…
  • I take that as a no? Or maybe no-one is up yet? WAKE UP GUYS! :P
  • Being a computer gamer, this isn't really a big issue for me... i will literally just sit at the computer all day (until I do some exercise) and my mind is completely un-occupied with thoughts of food. The negative is that i end up NOT eating main meals because I don't notice the time! I think the point I'm getting at is…
  • Thanks for the input guys, i might give it a test run... if it's too much i might just stick to a walk/jog for now and give p90x a go when i've lost a few.