

  • I bought mine through They are the same price whether you buy them through Amazon or I've also heard that Best Buy sells them (not sure if you have Best Buy in Canada). Good luck!!! I love my fitbit!!
  • Truly inspiring! Congrats!
  • I try to have at least 25-30 grams of fiber per day in my whole grains, fruits & veggies. For the days that I just cannot get there I take 1 -2 fiber gummies before bed. The gummies have 4 calories for two gummies. I have found these taste better than any other fiber supplement. I strongly recommend making sure you are…
  • Wow! I can relate to your story. It seems we went through many of the same things. I haven't been officially diagnosed with many endoscopys come back negative but I know that is the problem because when I am gluten free I feel so much better (energy, mood, etc). I always dread the semi annual endoscopy having…