kaitlynroyale Member


  • Also I have no idea why the URL posted like that so just yeah bodybuilding.com/exercises/
  • I also strongly recommend this website: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/ because there you can go through exercises by muscle group and pick out which ones you like and they're ranked from beginner to advanced. :) And they show you how to do them as well! It's fairly comprehensive! :)
  • I haven't read through all the comments but I do want to say this: 900-1000 calories is dangerously low. That's less than what the 16 month old that I take care of requires for daily intake. A small child needs 1200-1300 daily. I am not a nutritionist or certified in anything about fitness nutrition but my personal…
  • Thanks for the advice! The current routine I do is push/pull/legs but I'm open to changing it up. And yeah I never go to failure on squats or bench press just because I go to a 24/7 gym since I'm a nanny and work til after staffed hours so there's almost never anyone there to spot me so I don't want to risk exhausting…
  • I don't know if someone already said this because I didn't read absolutely everyone's answers, but I recommend you find a gym or a GNC-esque store where a certified personal trainer works or something like that and get your body fat measured. :) I know my university did it for free, but there was also a guy who worked at a…
  • I'm 5' 9 and I wear 4 inch heels minimum when I do wear heels. I just find platforms to be more comfortable to walk in because if you're in less than 4 inches then the ball of your foot is pressed against the hard ground the entire night! Usually the height of the platform offsets the height of the heel as well.
  • right in this very moment? Mientras tu jugabas - Banda los Recoditos for working out? Out of My Mind - B.O.B ft. Nicki Minaj A Boy Brushed Red Living in Black & White - Underoath Bangarang - Skrillex 212 - Azealia Banks Stronger - Britney Spears Perros Salvajes - Daddy Yankee
  • I'm 5'9 and I'd like to be between 140-145 :)