MzSmythe Member


  • My jeans are looser!! I can fit two fingers down the waistband today!
  • There is a really good blog and calculator for your macros here: Most keto diets are below 20g of carbs per day, but in reality you'll need to see what works for you :)
  • It could be some of the low-fat type food you've been eating e.g. vegetable oil instead of butter/coconut oil, 2% mozzarella for example? These are saying there are no carbs in them, but usually, lower fat products have sugar in to make 'em taste better, so their could be some extra carbs lurking about in there. It's…
  • Unfortunately, you're gonna have to do that yourself! Some people have added stuff to the database with net carbs (so when you're searching your foods, enter it as 'Broccoli net carbs') Or you can do what I do to make sure it's correct - if theres stuff I eat regularly, I create my own foods list, and in the carbs bit I…
    in Logging Comment by MzSmythe July 2014
  • Obviously I found your disgust so funny I had to post twice!
  • Hahaha! Thanks for the suggestion! Good morning! [/quote]
  • Good morning ladies!!!! I take sugar free Fiber Choice Gummies! It's like a little treat and 4 gets you 10 grams of fiber. They are tasty and 10 calories for 2 and 0 net carbs. I was finding that I wasn't GOING often enough and felt bloated often.…
  • Thanks! It can certainly be tough getting to the MFP recommended level of fibre if you're on keto without going way over on the carbs :) There is an interesting chain of thought that we don't need as much fibre as we are told to eat, as it's our gut bacteria that manages that sort of thing for us (i'm not agreeing or…
  • Great post and great motivation too!
  • Ooh, I love caveman keto! His cheesy chicken casserole is A-MAZE-ING!
  • ^ This! Congratulations! Firstly - a fat fast is an Atkins concept where you do 3-5 days of getting 95% of your calories from fat, and having no more than 1000-1200 calories per day. It's not recommended as a long-term fix, more as a jump-start if your weight loss has stalled (FYI, yours hasn't! A stall is more like 4…
  • How long have you been on the implant for? The hormones could be stimulating your appetite. There is a thread about the depo shot on here (which uses the same hormone as the implant) and there are lots of ladies reporting the same issue. I had depo for 12 months, and my appetite went through the roof. I was always in the…
  • There's some threads on Low Carb Friends where there are some discussions about Atkins-type diets for women with PCOS. It's a bit old, but it might be a useful starting point? and here:…
  • Excellent post! Who knows how many people don't persevere through the keto flu because it makes them feel so damn rotten. I'd also recommend potassium and magnesium supplements if you're having a bad time. Preferably ones ending in -ate as they are more readily absorbed by the body. And avocados!
  • I've never tried with that macro before, so i'll leave it to someone with more knowledge to comment on that aspect! However - re: protein requirements - you would figure it out based on your LEAN muscle mass and go for around 0.8g protein per lb of lean mass. If you're doing a lot of training, you'll probably need to up…
  • Mmmm...bullet proof coffee! My colleagues who are following point-counting type diets look at me in absolute horror when I have this at work! Guess who ain't ravenously hungry when the biscuits get passed round though... :) x
  • I read something that said it can be due to the toxins being released from your fat cells (along with excess hormones). I can't remember exactly where it was so I can't link to it for you I'm afraid. I have that problem every time I go back onto keto/low carb after a holiday lapse! I would highly recommend products…
  • CeriGrindrod I had exactly the same problems with veg to begin with! Musta been all that fibre :) I started out with lots of salad first, gradually adding in a bit of broccoli and moving onto other veg (and yes, my meals would have looked pretty weird to an outsider - salad and two bits of broccoli with some fish!) but it…
  • Hey there. Yes, I'm a recovering anorexic, and had exactly the same issue. I had problems with any diet that required me to count calories, as it just continued to fuel that nasty little bit of my brain. I now follow a low carb/keto style diet which (for me) has had a number of positive benefits: 1) I don't obsess about…
  • Hi! I love, love, love this and I'm currently posting it all over MFP! :love:
    in Hi, girls! Comment by MzSmythe July 2014
  • Have you tried making some of the recipes on the Caveman Keto blog? I think this one is fantastic for getting the protein in! You can make it without the green salsa to bring the carb-count down, and if you do, it's great cold with a green salad for lunch. The recipe makes 8…
  • Wow, congratulations on your weight lost to date! 4-5lbs a week is a massive achievement! However, it's likely that your body is just catching up with itself. That's a lot of weight to drop so fast (not a judgement I hasten to add!) so your body will be desperately trying to rebalance itself and adjust. That said, still…
  • Urgh, how frustrating! I'm currently studying a diploma in nutrition, and it's all based on the same old nonsense. I just have to grit my teeth and get on with it, knowing that when I have the qualification I can get out and start teaching people the real truth! Thank god you have the knowledge to support your daughter…
  • Good luck strawmama - let us know how you get on!
  • I agree. your weight loss should slow down now. I'd try what Chris has suggested and give it give it a few weeks. If you are still losing more rapidly than you would like, I'd recommend upping your calories by a couple of hundred and see what happens then. Keto is a funny thing, and can require a bit of tweaking to see…
  • Hey Dreza! I found that kicking caffeine the second time I did a keto diet helped me get over the insomnia phase much faster. Caffeine is (generally) fine for keto. For some people it can cause an insulin spike, so it's worth investigating its effects on you. Insulin spikes can lead to carb cravings for me, and also seemed…