

  • Don't feel bad. I have fallen off the wagon. I don't even know where to begin. I have gone back to emotional eating. It doesn't help either that my husband tells me I could stand to skip some meals. I think I've it a major road block , and I'm trying to get back up again. I'm sorry to take over your post. You have done…
  • It's ok! I missed this morning. I couldn't pull it together. My quads were so sore I can barely walk. Although, I did walk last night. I try not too feel too guilty, because then I will just quit altogether. Chalk it up as a rest day and get back on the wagon the next day. No one is perfect, and certainly not when on a…
  • This morning was my day 2! Yay me. Great job everyone so far. I did much better today even though I woke up with some serious muscle soreness. I cheated and weighed my self today and I am down another pound!!! Ok, Im going to try to stay off of the scale now, because I know a lot more difference will show in inches lost…
  • I don't find them too bad. I did them without weights because I dont have weights right now and don't buy canned goods. I will be buying weights this weekend, so maybe I will feel diffently. lol
  • I totally know what you're talking about! My cousin/best friend has me as her Matron of Honor in her wedding in July 2013. We are currently looking for dresses now, and I hate my body! I have had 4 kids and the last 3 were all within 3 1/2 years. My youngest is 15 months old. We are to order our dresses by February. I am…
  • I started a little late because of a crazy work week. My first day was actually this morning. I was gagging because my mouth was so dry. I need to control my breathing better. I just kept telling myself I don't want to look this way anymore. Honestly my motivation for getting up at 5am to do the workout before work this…
  • I will be starting my first work out tonight. Great job everyone.
  • Starting weight......176lb
  • Hey everyone!!! My dvd just came in the mail last night. I always quite stuff and never finish, so this group will give me a good kick in the butt. I am turning 30 on the 16th, am married, and have birthed 4 children. My last 3 were all with in 3 1/2 years from start to finish. I am tired of my son's friends making fun of…
  • Hey thanks! I had thought of using Google. I usually use it for EVERYTHING. I have no idea why I didn't just do it. lol