brewdays Member


  • Has anybody had reactions to food besides weight gain? Was the weight gain the next day or more than one day past the trial food day? I was weak the other day and had two handfuls of Wheat thins and a Rye Beer in the next two hours i got a headache and my stomach started cramping like i was getting the stomach flu or…
  • Half Marathon once a year for the last 3 years but would like to try to get two scheduled for this year but really want to complete my first full marathon this year. 10k's maybe twice a year mostly due to time and travel to get to the race and balancing that between family and other hobbies.
  • Very cool to see that there are others on site that are trying this Plan to determine what they are allergic to. Just some back ground about me and why this appealed to me. During my early 20's i started to have outbreaks of Eczema mostly on my hands and sometime my torso. After years +15 years of putting up with this even…
  • My wife and i just started this this morning and hope to do it every morning before the kids get out of bed.
  • oh and Coors Light because its basically water and tastes like water