5k, 10k, Half & Marathon runners



  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    Because I am part of 2 different running series and there are a few other races I want to do I'm going to be running nearly 20 races by the end of the year (I've already done 2 both on New Years day). Most of my races are 5Ks but I have a couple of 10Ks the tough mudder and a half marathon for much later in the year.

    If you are just starting out running, I strongly suggest couch-to-5K. If you have any kind of smartphone there are free apps. It will take you from walking to being able to run a 5k.

    When you are ready for a 10k you can try the training program at http://www.halhigdon.com/training/51122/10-K-Training-Guide-Novice-Program and his site has a 1/2 marathon training program and even full marathon programs.

    There are a lot of fun 5Ks wherever you happen to be. I ran in a kilt, as santa, and with a bunch of people dressed as pilgrims and indians on thanksgiving. I'm doing the foam run this year and last year I got to run out onto the field in Gilette stadium though the giant inflatable patriots helmet and across the 50 yard line. Oh and the day before the Boston marathon there's a 5K that ends at the actual finish of the Boston marathon and I'm running it. It's probably 4 or 5 years training before I can run the Boston marathon as you have to qualify with another marathon and I'm not concerned heavily with my speed at this point, just finishing at all is good for me.
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    You can read my profile. But it took me a year to do C25K and I did a few 5Ks starting last March and then headed for a 10K or 2. In a few weeks I will run my first 1/2. Just get really good shoes fitted by a running store, warm up, stretch, and stick with your plan.

    Once you get to 5K, I would start adding a 1/2 mile or so every few weeks.

    I'll be running one sanctioned race a month for 2013. I run about 100 miles per month.

    Have fun. It's awesome!
  • fittertanme
    fittertanme Posts: 259 Member
    as long as your trying thats what counts I do the 5k parkruns at 9am on saturdays and havd done a few of them and would like to do a half marathon but not sure if I could do it but will attempt it soon
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Do what's comfortable for you. You're a new runner so listen to your body and take breaks when you need to, because overuse injuries are a *****. Start slow and take it easy. Once you start doing races you may find them addicting. At least it's a good kind of addiction!

    I've only done one marathon. The race and the training are really hard on your body and once was enough for me. I think I could do half marathons several times a year no problem, though. Half marathon seems to be a perfect distance for me - long enough to feel the effort but short enough to go home in one piece. I could run unlimited 10k's, and 5k is just a normal daily short run for me. I'd LOVE to do more of them if they weren't so freaking expensive!!! I can only afford to do one half marathon a year and maybe a 10k for practice on hard surfaces before the half.

    Have fun. I think you'll love it!
  • brewdays
    brewdays Posts: 7 Member
    Half Marathon once a year for the last 3 years but would like to try to get two scheduled for this year but really want to complete my first full marathon this year.

    10k's maybe twice a year mostly due to time and travel to get to the race and balancing that between family and other hobbies.
  • meredith1123
    meredith1123 Posts: 843 Member
    Do what's comfortable for you. You're a new runner so listen to your body and take breaks when you need to, because overuse injuries are a *****. Start slow and take it easy. Once you start doing races you may find them addicting. At least it's a good kind of addiction!

    I've only done one marathon. The race and the training are really hard on your body and once was enough for me. I think I could do half marathons several times a year no problem, though. Half marathon seems to be a perfect distance for me - long enough to feel the effort but short enough to go home in one piece. I could run unlimited 10k's, and 5k is just a normal daily short run for me. I'd LOVE to do more of them if they weren't so freaking expensive!!! I can only afford to do one half marathon a year and maybe a 10k for practice on hard surfaces before the half.

    Have fun. I think you'll love it!

    oh and for the love of running, please make sure you are wearing not only good shoes, but shoes that are for YOUR feet!!
  • _chiaroscuro
    _chiaroscuro Posts: 1,340 Member
    Last year I ran two 5Ks, one half marathon, and did one 5k obstacle race while being chased by zombies (so fun!). I think I'm gonna be just a 5K girl from now on. I only have so much time to work out and when I'm training for a half it's all I can do to get my miles in, with no time for much else. That, and I get really bad black toenail (followed by falling off toenail) with the really long distances.
  • _chiaroscuro
    _chiaroscuro Posts: 1,340 Member
    I started running last year in early September and decided to a 5K a few weeks after that in my town, and I walked the whole thing in about 50 min. I got hooked and a few weeks later did my first serious 5k where I surprised myself and RAN the entire thing in 32 minutes. And the love affair between myself and running officially began lol. I've unfortunately only done a few more since then because all the local races were cancelled due to the damage from Hurricane Sandy. But I run 6-7 days a week, usually about 5 miles on each run...sometimes 3 if I'm forced to run on my treadmill due to severe weather, and I've gotten down to approx an 8 min mile. But I love to run in the cold so the below freezing temps we've been having don't bother me :). I've got 3, 5k's lined up every month until May when I'm doing my first 10k race and then the Color Run 5k in July. I cant get enough!!!
    Good luck!!

    Did my first Color Run last year, what a terrific time!
  • misssiri
    misssiri Posts: 335 Member
    I did C25K also and ran my first 5k race last February. Did two more in the spring of 2012 and since then the only races I've done were Warrior Dash, Dirty Dash and the Color Run. The race fees can get a bit steep as others have said. I run about 3-4 days a week and am trying to build endurance. I will be doing a 5K race, 10K, 10 miler and then I plan on doing the Kentucky Derby half marathon at the end of April. I've also signed up for Rugged Maniac in September so I think that's about as much as I'm willing to spend on races this year. Unless I feel like I want to do the St. Louis rock n roll marathon this fall if I'm ready. I'm training with a running group so we shall see. Maybe I'll do the half?
  • meredith1123
    meredith1123 Posts: 843 Member
    I started running last year in early September and decided to a 5K a few weeks after that in my town, and I walked the whole thing in about 50 min. I got hooked and a few weeks later did my first serious 5k where I surprised myself and RAN the entire thing in 32 minutes. And the love affair between myself and running officially began lol. I've unfortunately only done a few more since then because all the local races were cancelled due to the damage from Hurricane Sandy. But I run 6-7 days a week, usually about 5 miles on each run...sometimes 3 if I'm forced to run on my treadmill due to severe weather, and I've gotten down to approx an 8 min mile. But I love to run in the cold so the below freezing temps we've been having don't bother me :). I've got 3, 5k's lined up every month until May when I'm doing my first 10k race and then the Color Run 5k in July. I cant get enough!!!
    Good luck!!

    Did my first Color Run last year, what a terrific time!

    ^^ the Color run is the shiiizzzzzz....
  • courtneymal17
    courtneymal17 Posts: 672 Member
    I started running last year in early September and decided to a 5K a few weeks after that in my town, and I walked the whole thing in about 50 min. I got hooked and a few weeks later did my first serious 5k where I surprised myself and RAN the entire thing in 32 minutes. And the love affair between myself and running officially began lol. I've unfortunately only done a few more since then because all the local races were cancelled due to the damage from Hurricane Sandy. But I run 6-7 days a week, usually about 5 miles on each run...sometimes 3 if I'm forced to run on my treadmill due to severe weather, and I've gotten down to approx an 8 min mile. But I love to run in the cold so the below freezing temps we've been having don't bother me :). I've got 3, 5k's lined up every month until May when I'm doing my first 10k race and then the Color Run 5k in July. I cant get enough!!!
    Good luck!!

    Did my first Color Run last year, what a terrific time!

    ^^ the Color run is the shiiizzzzzz....

    YES!!! I did The Color Run in Columbus last year and I'm signed up for it in both Columbus and Detroit this year...can't freaking wait! It's my favorite race!!

    My goal for the year is to do 13 races in '13 :)...I love all the fun races, which is why I love The Color Run...I'm also hoping to do The Warrior Dash, a 4 miler on the beach in April, The Foam one, Hero Rush, and any other cool ones I can find close to me haha
  • ChaseAlder
    ChaseAlder Posts: 804 Member
    Monthly for 5Ks and 10Ks.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    I run 10km a day, just for the hell of it. I did my 1st 'fun run' last month, 10km & beat my own time. Next one for me is next week 10km again. Did 10km on the treadmill at the gym yesterday.... 1st time on a treadmill ever. I prefer outside.

    5km to me is the warm up stage now. 5 months ago I was lucky to run 1km.

    I wont be entering any more races after this one next week.... it's not my style. I prefer to do it just cause I like to do it & on my own. I'm not a group person at all.
  • megd726
    I've been running for a little under 2 years. I have completed 2 half marathons (2011, 2012). I have done a lot of 5Ks, a couple of 10Ks, and a couple of in between races.

    I have 2 half marathons coming up in April, one in October, and a 7K in March. Other than that, I will throw in some 5Ks if they look fun, have a cute shirt, or have some bling! They can get quite expensive but at the same time, knowing you have a race coming up can help keep you motivated to run - especially in the beginning.

    Good luck with running! Feel free to add me if you'd like!
  • blackmamba886
    blackmamba886 Posts: 177 Member
    I have yet to fully run a 5k... also my goal for the year. However I'm thinking I'm crazy. Jan = 2 5k's and a full marathon. Feb = 1 5k. March = a half, and 4 short races... between 3 and 5 miles. April = 1 half, 1 5k, and 1 fundraiser walk. May = at least 1 5k but I haven't planned past that yet. (Except September... 5k, 10k, half... Dumbo Double Dare in Disneyland!)
  • 416runner
    This Spring, I'm planning one 10k, two Halfs, one 30k. Then I'll take a break from racing over the summer and this fall I'll run one 10k and one marathon.
  • courtneymal17
    courtneymal17 Posts: 672 Member
    I have yet to fully run a 5k... also my goal for the year. However I'm thinking I'm crazy. Jan = 2 5k's and a full marathon. Feb = 1 5k. March = a half, and 4 short races... between 3 and 5 miles. April = 1 half, 1 5k, and 1 fundraiser walk. May = at least 1 5k but I haven't planned past that yet. (Except September... 5k, 10k, half... Dumbo Double Dare in Disneyland!)

    I want to do a Disney race SO bad, but I'm never in the area when they have one...my goal is to do the Princess half in '14!
  • kopmom
    kopmom Posts: 491 Member
    I only sign up for half marathons as I feel like it forces me to train and run longer distances then if I was signed up to run a shorter distance race which I could usually run with little training.

    1/2 marathons are not cheap so if I sign up I know I will train and run

    Good luck with your goal, you can do it !!
  • blackmamba886
    blackmamba886 Posts: 177 Member
    I have yet to fully run a 5k... also my goal for the year. However I'm thinking I'm crazy. Jan = 2 5k's and a full marathon. Feb = 1 5k. March = a half, and 4 short races... between 3 and 5 miles. April = 1 half, 1 5k, and 1 fundraiser walk. May = at least 1 5k but I haven't planned past that yet. (Except September... 5k, 10k, half... Dumbo Double Dare in Disneyland!)

    I want to do a Disney race SO bad, but I'm never in the area when they have one...my goal is to do the Princess half in '14!

    They are so much more fun than other races. I did my first half there in Florida last Jan and went back this Jan for my first full. They added the 10k this year to the Cali races so... yeah I'm in. Coast to coast medal!!! At some point, I plan on doing one of each but that's a looooong term goal lol... provided my husband doesn't have me committed first. :D
  • courtneymal17
    courtneymal17 Posts: 672 Member
    I have yet to fully run a 5k... also my goal for the year. However I'm thinking I'm crazy. Jan = 2 5k's and a full marathon. Feb = 1 5k. March = a half, and 4 short races... between 3 and 5 miles. April = 1 half, 1 5k, and 1 fundraiser walk. May = at least 1 5k but I haven't planned past that yet. (Except September... 5k, 10k, half... Dumbo Double Dare in Disneyland!)

    I want to do a Disney race SO bad, but I'm never in the area when they have one...my goal is to do the Princess half in '14!

    They are so much more fun than other races. I did my first half there in Florida last Jan and went back this Jan for my first full. They added the 10k this year to the Cali races so... yeah I'm in. Coast to coast medal!!! At some point, I plan on doing one of each but that's a looooong term goal lol... provided my husband doesn't have me committed first. :D

    That's SO awesome...if I ever built up to a marathon I'd definitely want to do the Disney one. My biggest concern for the half is the time limit on it...I'm a REALLY slow runner (runner/walker haha)...so I really don't think I could keep up a 16 minute pace, especially over 13 miles