5k, 10k, Half & Marathon runners

Hi I am new to the running world and will be doing my first 5k next week. I know that I am not ready to fully run the 5k yet but will try my best. I set a goal for this year to run a 5k & 10k without walking by the end of the year. I was considering doing one 5k a month til I can reach my goal and go forth from there.

I was just wondering how often do most runners run a 5k, 10k, half & marathon race?

Please no negative responses


  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    Do you mean how often do runners run that distance? Or run in an organized race?
  • Codefox
    Codefox Posts: 308 Member
    Marathon? At most I personally would run one a year. I do one or two halfs a year. I don't do many 5Ks anymore because they're so short but I love 10k, 15k, and half marathon distances. I try and do a race a month. Over the summer I'll switch to triathlons
  • MrsSki
    MrsSki Posts: 196
    I'm running my second 5K of the year this Sunday, I plan to run a 5K at least once a month this year, probably even more often than that. I, like you, can't run the whole thing, but I really surprised myself by running the whole first mile of my first 5K this year. I set little goals for myself, make each race faster than the last if possible. There are always outstanding factors, my first 5K was indoors, this one is outside, and it might be 10 degrees here on Sunday, so this one I might run a little slower, and that's ok. I plan to run bigger races than 5K's, but my goal is to run a whole 5K before I sign up for a longer race. I ran a half marathon a few years ago and it was amazing, I would like to run another one, but it probably won't be until the later half of this year.
  • josiereside
    josiereside Posts: 720 Member
    once you have run a 5K you will keep wanting to do them... I know in my town you can find one to do almost every weekend. I know people that do a few halves a year too.
    Are you doing the C25K program... good way to get you to running a 5K in 8 weeks.
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    Personally, 2 marathons a year, plus at least one distance relay. Probably a couple organized 5 or 10ks, but I do join my local running store's fun runs often (3 or 5 miles; every Thursday night). They get expensive after a while. I'll run more than a 10k every weekend, but not at race pace.
  • KateRunsColorado
    KateRunsColorado Posts: 407 Member
    I just started running last summer and ended up doing 2, 5K's, and 1, 8K.

    This year I'd love to do atleast 2 half marathons (my very first is in 6 weeks!), 2, 10K's (got one next weekend), and at least 2, 5K's.

    I like to do atleast something every 2 months, to keep me on track. I'd love to do more, but I honestly have trouble spending the money on them!
  • Yvette22Hernandez
    Yvette22Hernandez Posts: 52 Member
    I ran one half marathon, a 10 mile run in Philly, and a full marathon this past year, 2012. I plan to do the 10 miler again this spring and a duathlon (5k, 18k, 5k) and a few other triathalons. But, when training I run 4 or 5 times a week---ranging from short fast runs (treadmill/track--depending on weather), medium runs (5-8 miles for me), and one long run (usually Sundays--9 or more miles).
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    I was just wondering how often do most runners run a 5k, 10k, half & marathon race?

    I do a 5k race about once a month lately. You could probably do a 10k once a month if you wanted but the half and full marathon? Don't know because I haven't done one yet. It depends on your fitness level and if you're doing it for fun or as a serious competitor. Distance doesn't do you in as much as speed does. That's the real cost when you run fast.

    The races are great motivational tools to help you focus on training. You should probably have something in mind that you're working on. It does help make things fun.
  • roro1925
    roro1925 Posts: 120 Member
    I started running last year in early September and decided to a 5K a few weeks after that in my town, and I walked the whole thing in about 50 min. I got hooked and a few weeks later did my first serious 5k where I surprised myself and RAN the entire thing in 32 minutes. And the love affair between myself and running officially began lol. I've unfortunately only done a few more since then because all the local races were cancelled due to the damage from Hurricane Sandy. But I run 6-7 days a week, usually about 5 miles on each run...sometimes 3 if I'm forced to run on my treadmill due to severe weather, and I've gotten down to approx an 8 min mile. But I love to run in the cold so the below freezing temps we've been having don't bother me :). I've got 3, 5k's lined up every month until May when I'm doing my first 10k race and then the Color Run 5k in July. I cant get enough!!!
    Good luck!!
  • I started running a year ago. Over the past year I ran a lot 5ks, a couple 10ks, and 3 half marathons. I will be running my first full marathon in a few weeks. I don't plan on running another full until at least October. Besides the full this year, I've registered for a few half marathons, a Ragnar Relay, and a shorter distance race here and there. I personally just love the longer distances.

    I love racing but I try not overdo it for my body (and my wallets) sake.

    Welcome to the running community!
  • Tw1zzler
    Tw1zzler Posts: 583
    My goal is to do a 5K one every month or so.
  • baldzach
    baldzach Posts: 1,841 Member
    For me, the major limiter is race fees. I'd love to do a race every week or at least every month, but as it is, I do 3-4 a year. Last year I did one bike race, one triathlon, and one 5k. The year before I did a half marathon and a few bike races. In 2009, for example, I did 2 marathons and a couple 5ks. This year, I'm registered for my first Olympic distance triathlon and at least one 5k, and my wife can't decide if she wants us to do a half or not. If not, I may do a full marathon in the fall. And we'll see how the bike racing calendar shakes out. For some reason, those folks don't even open registration until a couple weeks before the races.
  • akrnrunner
    akrnrunner Posts: 117 Member
    doing my first distance marathon in may and training for a 1/2 marathon in late spring. I would love to be doing a marathon by fall. i typically run a 5k disntance at least 3 days per week (obviously not an organized race) and plan on picking it up more when my husband gets home on March!
  • meredith1123
    meredith1123 Posts: 843 Member
    I run on my own (not events) about two to four 5k's each week.
    As far as official events, i probably do about four 5k's a year. I'm also doing a 10k event this year.
    I've been running for about four years. I am not a fast runner, nor do i check myself for speed. I run for me, for my speed and for my own reasons. Do not be pressured to speed through each of your daily jogs or what nots. THey are your own and you can do what you want with them.

    good luck!
  • Melo1966
    Melo1966 Posts: 881 Member
    I did my first 5K in October in 40 minutes so not very fast. I have been working on C25K and have plans on 5K's in March and April. I would like to give a 10K a go later this year. I think a race a month by next year would be fun and to give a half marathon a go.
  • buchy2009
    buchy2009 Posts: 11 Member
    It depends on how fast your body can recover from the rigors of a race. But, generally, the 5k, 10k, and half marathon distances don't tear you up for more than a day or two. You could probably do these races every week if you wanted. The big limitations on doing these races often are the costs (time of travel, fees) and the disruption in your training plan if you're on a plan.

    As for marathons, these are much more burdensome on the body. There isn't a hard or fast rule on this, but generally most people only do 1-2/year.

    I do probably about one race per month, but I often don't "race" a race. I just use it as a training run. For example, if I have a 13 or 14 mile training run planned, I might look to see if there is a 1/2 marathon around the same time.

    There are a lot of great running resources on the forums at RunningAhead.com. Many of the users on those forums transitioned from being severely overweight and not being able to run a mile to competing in marathons regularly. I would definitely check that site out!!
  • slrea2012
    slrea2012 Posts: 31 Member
    Race fees are the big killer for me. I would run a 5k or 10k (race) a week if my wallet would allow it. My average runs are about 7 miles, 5 days a week.
  • ipsamet
    ipsamet Posts: 436 Member
    I do races about once or twice a month, but I mostly do 5ks. A few 10ks in there and my first half marathon is in three weeks!
  • courtneymal17
    courtneymal17 Posts: 672 Member
    I started running last year with a goal of doing a 5k by November....but ended up doing 8 races by that time haha....Once you do one (I got suckered into doing one in March) you'll be hooked. I'd do a 5k race as often as I could, but like others have said cost is more the limit on that one. The farthest I've done is a 4 miler, so I can't say about the others. And for your 5k good luck! Seriously all that matters if you finish...no one's going to be looking at you weird if you walk, I promise! That was my HUGE fear for my first race but it's all good :)
  • AuntieMC
    AuntieMC Posts: 346 Member