

  • I want to be healthy agin! I was put on a very high dose steroid last year for a rare diasease I was diagnosed with, while it helped the problem, it didnt help my weight! I gained 60 lbs in less then a year and am officially the heaviest I have ever been! I am now fianlly off my steroids and ready to get the "Steroid…
  • I love reading all these stories! My moment was when my Doctor told me that if I started a Gluten Free diet and started working out I could possibly get off all my medications and maybe even have a chance at kids! So I will do ANYTHING to be healthy!!! So Here we go!!!! Feel free to add me! I love a little extra motivation…
  • I love giving people motivaton and encouragment and recieving it back! :)
  • I added you! I could always use some more friends to keep me motivated! Welcome ti MFP!
  • I am not losing weight for a wedding of my own....but I am a bridesmaid in my best friends wedding on January 4th that I am trying to lose weight for! Please feel free to add my as a friend! I could always use some extra encouragment!