

  • Protein Powders and Supplements etc do not accelerate weight loss. Protein is what muscle mass is made of, when exercising or doing heavy weights essentially you are tearing the muscle, having a protein shake helps speed up the healing process. If you do not take in enough protein your muscle gains will be quite minimal,…
  • I personally don't have cheat days, each to their own i suppose. My question would be why cheat? Your only cheating yourself. Occasionally i'll eat something i shouldn't and i will label that as my bad food for the week, but thats a personal preference. If you feel you need/want a day you can eat anything by all means go…
  • Fruit is natural sugar, personally i would recommend sticking to one serving of fruit per day. If your finding your sugar intake to high for one smoothie maybe decrease the size of said smoothie? Sugar is detrimental to achieving your ideal body! As yummy as it is, one piece a day and in the morning if possible.