Eating fruit = excess of sugar?

x__x Is anyone else worried about this? After I put sugar on the macro-thingy on my food tracker I noticed that very often i take in waay way more sugar than the goal tells me to.

For example, I think I might have eaten almost the entire 6 recommended fruit a day in one smoothie... And the counter says that it totals to about 50 gr of sugar!! x__x How on earth can one eat 6 fruits and not go over that amount? ... of man.. if I have to restrict fruit cos of sugar intake, I'll be sad.


  • veggiemodel
    veggiemodel Posts: 22 Member
    Don't do it! I follow a plant based diet and 80% or more of what I eatis fruit. I consume more than 200g of sugar coming from them and I'm losing weight! Carbs from fruit are NOT the problem.
  • veggiemodel
    veggiemodel Posts: 22 Member
    Btw, 1g of carb is 4 calories, 1g of protein is 4 calories, 1g of fat is 9 calories... Fat is the problem.
  • healthyKYgirl
    healthyKYgirl Posts: 272 Member
    The USDA recommends not having more than 40g of ADDED SUGAR per day. But fruit doesn't have ADDED sugar. It has naturally occurring sugar. Unfortunately, MFP can't tell the difference. So either up your sugar on your tracker, ignore it if you only have it from natural sources (fruit, veggies, dairy), or add up what you have from added sources like candy separately and focus on keeping that number low for added sugar.

    Edit: To Change your Tracker Numbers: Go to My Home->Goals->Custom Goals. You can up the grams there.
  • TineeLambrini
    TineeLambrini Posts: 37 Member
    I have the same problem. I may have to give up fruit so I can have a sugar in my coffee. I know that's not great but I have already cut out so much and I can't drink coffee without. Can't really cut the coffee either as I am a sleep-deprived momma!!
  • highstandards
    Make the difference between added sugar and sugar contained in fruits, dairy and veggies (carrots, tomatoes, peas, etc.) and aim for a ratio of 1/3 of added sugar. Something like 30g of added sugar for a total of 90g of sugar for the day.

    Fruit smoothies are bad because of the spike of insulin and because they will ruin your teeth (acidic + sugar) ;), but your daily carbs intake overall is more important when losing weight. Eating less sugar is more of a healthy thing to do is you want to spare your liver, gut, etc.
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    Btw, 1g of carb is 4 calories, 1g of protein is 4 calories, 1g of fat is 9 calories... Fat is the problem.

    Demonising anything is a problem.

    We need dietary fat for all kinds of reasons. Is fish oil a problem? Of course not.

    Like everything there is good and bad ... In the case of fruit sugar I'd agree with you that this is good.
  • nookeetoone
    Well.. I avoid 'added' sugar at all costs... Even when I buy juice or dried fruits. I make sure it has no unhealthy additives.... So I guess natural sugar should be ok?

    My other concern is that fruit contains a lot of fructose, which a lot of studies say its bad... But then.. I think back to the caveman ages :P And they had plenty of fruit, didn't they? I guess avoiding added sugar is a good point.

    The funny thing is... I went into this MFP thing trying to BEAT my sugar addiction... but watching the sugar levels just.... Tells me that maybe I moved my sugar addiction to something a little healthier >_<
  • Mrs16
    Mrs16 Posts: 86
    Try eating low sugar fruits - bananas count as two fruits in my program.
  • mhcoss
    mhcoss Posts: 220
    Btw, 1g of carb is 4 calories, 1g of protein is 4 calories, 1g of fat is 9 calories... Fat is the problem.

    fat is not the problem actually lol.

    Caloric surplus is the problem. your body needs fats to function.
  • veggiemodel
    veggiemodel Posts: 22 Member
    Btw, 1g of carb is 4 calories, 1g of protein is 4 calories, 1g of fat is 9 calories... Fat is the problem.

    Demonising anything is a problem.

    We need dietary fat for all kinds of reasons. Is fish oil a problem? Of course not.

    Like everything there is good and bad ... In the case of fruit sugar I'd agree with you that this is good.

    Well, lemme fix this, excess fat is a problem (and for me animal fat is a problem too).
  • ChrisC_77
    ChrisC_77 Posts: 271 Member
    I have the same problem. I may have to give up fruit so I can have a sugar in my coffee. I know that's not great but I have already cut out so much and I can't drink coffee without. Can't really cut the coffee either as I am a sleep-deprived momma!!

    One thing you might try. And I am only saying this as I remain at a safe distance... ;) Caffeine in moderation is fine. But if are at the point where you need coffee to become alert and awake, you might be consuming to much caffeine. Once the caffeine is out of your system for a week or so and you start your day with a more invigorating drink. (like juicing) you might even have more energy. Have you attempted to sweeten coffee with Stevia? Good luck! with your journey!
  • j__mariee
    Fruit is natural sugar, personally i would recommend sticking to one serving of fruit per day. If your finding your sugar intake to high for one smoothie maybe decrease the size of said smoothie?

    Sugar is detrimental to achieving your ideal body! As yummy as it is, one piece a day and in the morning if possible.
  • nookeetoone
    Well I guess I could try with veggie smoothies... Problem is Im not sure my blender can blend veggies... they are substantially harder >_< murh. Well I will try eating less sugar though... And more veggies. But oh man was that smoothie yummy...
  • TineeLambrini
    TineeLambrini Posts: 37 Member
    I have the same problem. I may have to give up fruit so I can have a sugar in my coffee. I know that's not great but I have already cut out so much and I can't drink coffee without. Can't really cut the coffee either as I am a sleep-deprived momma!!

    One thing you might try. And I am only saying this as I remain at a safe distance... ;) Caffeine in moderation is fine. But if are at the point where you need coffee to become alert and awake, you might be consuming to much caffeine. Once the caffeine is out of your system for a week or so and you start your day with a more invigorating drink. (like juicing) you might even have more energy. Have you attempted to sweeten coffee with Stevia? Good luck! with your journey!

    Yep, you are right, I know :) I used to drink a lot more coffee, have limited it to 2/3 a day now. I think it is just a psychological crutch more than anything, coffee time equals break time. I have tried stevia, but really don't like it. I know it is a problem that needs to be addressed, I am making it a priority.

  • whimsy38
    whimsy38 Posts: 158 Member
    Sugar in any form lead to a blood sugar spike and fall, which can lead to you feeling hungry kind of quickly. That's why I've gotten big into veggies for snacks.
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    x__x Is anyone else worried about this? After I put sugar on the macro-thingy on my food tracker I noticed that very often i take in waay way more sugar than the goal tells me to.

    For example, I think I might have eaten almost the entire 6 recommended fruit a day in one smoothie... And the counter says that it totals to about 50 gr of sugar!! x__x How on earth can one eat 6 fruits and not go over that amount? ... of man.. if I have to restrict fruit cos of sugar intake, I'll be sad.

    fruit is awesome and as most others have said, fruit sugar is usually ok for most people... however...
    a smoothie that contains 6 servings of fruit? that's a LOT of fruit sugar in one sitting. Plus, where did you get the "6 recommended fruits a day" number from? I *think* its 6 servings of "fruits and vegetables" and is supposed to be heavier on the veggie side.
  • FitToLead
    FitToLead Posts: 275 Member
    Good on you DeadVim, I agree.
  • ChrisC_77
    ChrisC_77 Posts: 271 Member
    Btw, 1g of carb is 4 calories, 1g of protein is 4 calories, 1g of fat is 9 calories... Fat is the problem.

    It's not just about calories. it's about how your body metabolizes foods. Sugars turn into fat.

    I watched this about a year ago and found it interesting.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,021 Member
    Btw, 1g of carb is 4 calories, 1g of protein is 4 calories, 1g of fat is 9 calories... Fat is the problem.

    It's not just about calories. it's about how your body metabolizes foods. Sugars turn into fat.

    I watched this about a year ago and found it interesting.
    lol, sugar doesn't turn into fat........